Avocado Environmental Footprinting

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TITLE: Environmental Footprinting and Climate Change SUBTITLE: The Implications for Avocado Agriculture. Introduction Avocado, a plant fruit that has traditionally been planted for its health benefits, plays a major role in global food supply and security. Avocado agriculture carries an enormous potential to ensure increased economic growth, as well as reduce unemployment and foster an agriculture-based economy. However, the cultivation of avocado has been a contesting point because of massive deforestation, water consumption and environmental pollution due to heavy usage of pesticides and fertilizers. This presentation examines the implications of climate change on avocado agriculture, focusing on its environmental footprint and potential …show more content…

Pests and pathogens behavior, life cycle and population can be affected by warm temperatures and increased humidity. For example, avocado pests such as lace bug and avocado thrips tend to flourish in warmer temperatures and may experience rapid population growth under these conditions. Fungal pathogens such as avocado root rot tend to thrive in areas with increased humidity, resulting in increased disease severity and occurrence. Erratic weather patterns caused by climate change, including frost, solar wave radiation and drought, weaken the avocado orchards natural defenses, making them defenseless against pests and diseases. Similarly, heavy rainfall spread waterborne pathogens, making the trees susceptible to infestations and infections. The impact of pests and diseases is profound, causing notable damage to avocado trees, consequently resulting in reduced fruit production, poor fruit quality and tree damage. This in turn leads to economic losses for farmers and disruptions in supply chains and prices. Strategies can be applied to mitigate and control pests involving cultural, biological and chemical control methods. Cultural practices like maintaining orchard cleanliness, trimming, and adding mulch can mitigate pest and disease issues by enhancing tree health and minimizing habitats for pests and pathogens. Biological control utilizes natural predators and beneficial microorganisms to manage pest populations in avocado orchards. Chemical intervention, such as the cautious application of pesticides, should be a final option, following integrated pest management guidelines to limit harm to beneficial organisms and the ecosystem. Moreover, more research and focus should be put on developing disease-resistant avocados that can effectively resist fungal diseases such

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