Autism: A Lack of the I-function

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Autism: A Lack of the I-function In the words of Uta Frith, a proclaimed expert on autism, autistic persons lack the underpinning "special feature of the human mind: the ability to reflect on itself." ((3)) And according to our recent discussions in class, the ability to reflect on one's internal state is the job of a specific entity in the brain known as the I-function. Could it be that autism is a disease of this part of the mind, a damage or destruction to these specialized groups of neurons which make up the process we perceive as conscious thought? And if this is so, what are the implications? Are autistic persons inhuman? Which part of their brain is so different from "normal" people, and how did the difference arise? The specific array of symptoms used to diagnose an individual as autistic do not appear as straightforward as Frith's simple statement. It seems hard to fathom that they could all arise from one similar defect in a certain part of the brains of all autistics. Examples of these symptoms include a preference for sameness and routine, stereotypic and/or repetitive motor movements, echolalia, an inability to pretend or understand humor ((3)), "bizarre" behavior((4)) and use of objects ((2)), lack of spontaneity, excellent rote memory ((2)), folded, square-shaped ears ((3)), lack of facial expression, oversensitivity, lack of sensitivity, mental retardation, and savant abilities. Obviously not all autistics exhibit all of these characteristics. Psychologists, however, often believe certain symptoms to be more indicative of the disease than others. The world autism stems from a Greek word meaning, roughly, "selfism." Autistics are described as very self-absorbed, and some academics refer to a short lis... ... middle of paper ... ...c American February 2000: 56-63. 4)Frith, Uta. "Autism." Scientific American June 1993, reprinted 1997: 92-98. 5)Teicher, Martin H. "The Neurology of Child Abuse." Scientific American March 2002: 68-75. 6) Autism and Savant Syndrome, , web paper by Sural Shah. 7) Considerations of Individuality in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism, , web paper by Lacey Tucker. 8) Diagnosis: Autism, , Mothering Magazine, Patricia S. Lemer, 2003. 9) Paintings by Richard Wawro, , an online gallery of an autistic savant's work. 10)Duigan, J. (Director). (1998) Molly. [Video-tape]. Santa Monica, CA: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc.

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