
1871 Words4 Pages


Table of Contents
Way of Life
Vegetation and Animal Life
Education Health


Austria, a small country in Central Europe famous for its gorgeous mountain scenery. The towering Alps, and the foothills stretch across the western, southern and central parts of the country. Broad green valleys, lovely mirror lakes and thick forest cover a good portion of the land. Austria with no coastline shares its surrounded borders with Liechtenstein and Switzerland to the west; Germany and the Czech Republic to the north; Hungary and Slovakia to the east; and to the south Italy and Slovenia. North-East is Vienna, Austria's capital and largest city, where about a fifth of the people live.


Austria has a population of about 7« million. Most Austrian's choose to live in the lower east areas of the country and just south of the Danube River.
Also the capital and largest city, more than one and a half-million of the
Austrian population lives in Vienna. Other cities with more than 100,000 people living in them consist of Graz, Innsbruck, Linz, and Scuzburg.


Austrians do not like being classified as Germans, Austria is basically
Germanic in language and ethnic association. Some minorities include 40,000
Croats, 70,000 Solvenes, and a small group of Hungarians (11,000) and Czechs
(5,000). Most Austrian's live south of the Danube River. Austrians enjoy an array of fine foods such as a Viennese Clich otherwise known as a Wiener
Schnitzel, and many fine cakes and pastries. The average life expectancy for males is 72 and females 78.


In May and June Vienna hosts the Vienna Festival. This festival is a celebration of music, arts, and theater. Austrians have a great love for music, many of the greatest composers were born and played there, many like Beethoven and other popular composers. Operas are also very popular, and The Vienna State
Opera House is the most popular for such an activity. Festivals play an important part of Austria. One festival takes place throughout the province of
Tyrol, in the beginning of spring. People dress up and pretend to chase the evil spirits of winter away.

Way of Life


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...nbsp; Austria's had a negative balance of trade since 1945, Although Austria has a large income from visitors. Austria imports transport equipment, heavy machinery, fuels, foodstuffs, and raw materials. Austria exports lumber, paper, pulp, textiles, iron, steel, electric power, and machinery.


The greatest natural resources in Austria is it's waterpower. "Much of the potential hydroelectric capacity, however, remains to be exploited" (Prodigy
1994) 40% of the land is taken up by forests, which is used for timber. The most important resources of Austria are magnesite graphite; iron; ore; lignite; oil, and natural gas.


"Two trends have characterized post war Austrian agriculture: a decline in the portion of the labor force engaged in farming and a decrease in small- scale farming, with farms of less than twelve acres either disappearing or being consolidated." (Prodigy 1994) Some of the leading crops include barley, wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, sugar beets, and corn. Meat production has risen sharply, and dairy farming is more than adequate to meet national needs.

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