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How did the discovery of gold change Australia
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Recommended: How did the discovery of gold change Australia
From the 1850’s – 1900’s gold, silver, lead and zinc were discovered in South and West Australia. In the early 20th century mining started to decline because the only major finds were lead, zinc and copper but their full potential was later realized. Today Australia is one of the leading nations in the mining industry as they have a lot of resources to mine.
Australia’s lead history:
Lead is one of the oldest metals known to man. Lead was the first discovery out of all metals in Australia. The Geraldine located on the Murchison River was the first lead mine in Australia. This mine operated in the 1950’s and the 1960’s after Augustus Gregory (explorer) discovered lead while looking at the landscape for developments. He came to this discovery when he was crossing the river on his horse. He
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He discovered this while he was engaged in a project on a road along the Fish River. This was not the start of the “gold rush”, the gold rush began when Edward Hammond Hargaves discovered payable gold in 1851. Gold was mined with picks and pans until the surface gold depleted.
Australia’s silver history:
The aboriginals who looked at creating tools and weapons to survive most probably mined silver. Silver was the first metal that attracted the attention of early settlers in South Australia. Silver was discovered by Charles Rasp at Glen Osmond which created Australia’s first mine called Wheal Gawler in 1841. The next major discovery of silver was near Cape Jervis. This became the Talisker mine. This gave rise to nearby mining town Silverton. Several different silver companies were started in then years 1887-1888. Sometimes several companies were formed a day. They often had very similar names.
Australia’s uranium
On January 24, 1848, Gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill In Coloma California. This discovery, immediately spread around the globe. People from all different parts of the world came to California. People called it the place for a new beginning. California quickly became the most popular state in the United States. Even immigrants from Asia and Europe were coming to California just to get their hands on this precious gold. This also greatly affected the United States as we know it today.
Shadowing World War II, there was an amplified fear of communism in Australia. The influence of the threat of Communism in Australian local politics from 1945 to the 1950’s was very strong as you can see through Robert Menzies, the Petrov Affair, The fear of Ussr spies, the royal commission and the Alp split show relevant threats to the Australian Domestic politics by saying they are spies, traitors and liars.
The creation of societies in the West resulted in the blossoming of three new industries: mining, ranching, and farming. Mining began at large with the discovery of gold in California in 1849 and continued with other discoveries and “rushes” later on; these rus...
The fortune of silver and gold discovered in Colorado’s mountains were locked inside complex ores consisting of granite, quartz and other metals that rendered them useless, unless they could be separated (Egan. NPS). Miners originally imported stamp mills and Spanish arrastras to extract the gold and silver but both these methods were inefficient and lost upwards of 70 percent of the sought after mineral (NPS). In 1867, chemistry professor Nathanial P. Hill discovered an efficient method called the Swansea process to separate the precious metals and opened the Boston Colorado Smelter in Blackhawk (NPS).
Rawls, James J. and Orsi, Richard J. (eds.) (1999). A Golden State: mining and economic development in Gold Rush California (California History Sesquicentennial Series, 2). Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. p. 187.
The United States acquired Alaska in 1867, but it was basically unknown and unsettled until the late 1890's, when a large number people from Canada and America had gathered there in search of gold. (Alaska's Gold) Juneau, Alaska had been established in 1880 after gold was found there, but the major strike occurred in August 1896, when the son of a California forty-niner, John Muir, found gold while panning in Rabbit Creek, which had soon become Bonanza Creek. Several men during this initial period enjoyed gold patches that had brought them all more then one-million dollars. News about this particular gold strike did not reach California and the rest of the West Coast until the summer of 1897. This gold rush had followed the pattern of the California gold rush of 1849. (Poynter 79)
The colonisation of Australia occurred throughout 1788-1990. During this time, Great Britain discovered Australia and decided that it would become a new British colony (“Australian History: Colonisation 17-88-1990”, 2014.). It was decided that convicts would be sent to Australia and used for labour to build the new colony. There are many health determinants that are effecting the health of Indigenous Australians including; poor living conditions, risk behaviours and low socioeconomic status. Many of these determinants have an effect on the Indigenous Australians due to the colonisation of Australia.
...graphy." Mining Techniques of the Sierra Nevada and Gold Country. N.p., n.d. 16 May 2014. .
The discovery of iron ore on the Mesabi Range can hardly be credited to one person. In 1890, however, it was the family of Lewis Merritt that discovered merchantable ore and opened the Mesabi to industry. Within three years, they owned several mines and had built a railroad leading to immense ore docks in Duluth. On the cusp of controlling a mining empire in northern Minnesota, they lost everything to business titan John D. Rockefeller.
Many people today still take all the food and belongings they have for granted. the gold rush began when james w marshall found gold dust in the river by cutters mill. when he told his friend about it his friend spilled the beans. the world of gold in califormia led to thousands of people from all around the world to go to the golden state to join in the hunt for gold. many became poor and few got rich. all in all, the gold rush had a huge impact on america.
The first gold rush in Alaska took place in 1896-1899 in an area known as the Klondike. “100,000 set out. 30,000 arrived in the Klondike. Around 4,000 found gold” stated Gary l. Blackwood in his article in ‘Wild West’ magazine. The miners that arrived in the Klondike were searching for a big pay out of gold, and used old fashioned, homemade sluices. The sluices are used by the gold rich material is poured out on top and groves and metal screens catch the gold and heavier black sand. Today the Klondike region is still being mined and is still producing gold for the lucky few that find it.
The idea of the globalisation of Australian businesses, the process where businesses develop themselves internationally is one of the main issues in our current society. The concept of globalisation has occurred due to many factors, such as reduced trade barriers, a reduction in tariffs and quotas, new developments in technology and also new innovations in transportation technology. These factors that have caused globalisation can result in many consequences, both positive and negative. These consequences are free trade caused by a reduction in tariffs and environmental costs such as pollution caused by factories and greenhouse gasses causing global warming.
Multiculturalism is the ethnic and cultural diversity that exists within a certain area. Different countries display various forms of multiculturalism. The most common form of multiculturalism is whereby a citizen of a certain country is born overseas, or of the parents of the individual is born overseas. English speaking countries have a lot of multiculturalism in them. Just like the United Kingdom, Australia has adopted multiculturalism as a national identity. My essay explores how Australia appreciates and accepts many different ethnicities and cultures.
At one time, lead poisoning was common among those who worked with lead, but such workplace hazards have been largely curtailed. Lead has been used by humans since ancient times. It was used in ancient Egypt in coins, weights, ornaments, utensils, ceramic glazes, and solder. Lead is mentioned in the Old Testament. The Romans conveyed drinking water in lead pipes, some of which are still in operation.
The breakthrough of the Gold Rush in NSW in 1851 resulted in mass numbers of untreated gold circulating as an unauthorised form of coinage. In 1853, approval was granted to establish the leading overseas branch of London’s Mint in Sydney to control the ‘Black Market’. The Sydney Mint is of great significance as it is one of the three Australian mints which the Commonwealth government minted the leading Australian coins after the federation of the Australian colonies. The Sydney Mint is a significant historical example of Australian architecture through its physical attributes of the redevelopment project, incorporating contemporary materials and methods while maintaining the historical significance and features of the existing building. A successful