Australia and the World Tsunami Essay

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Australia & The World Tsunami essay

The 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami in the Asian region was a devastating event for the Region and the World alike and will go down in history as one of the worst widespread events the World has seen in recent years. In Australia it also had a great significance not only for the devastating Australian lives lost at such a significant time of year (Christmas) but also for the immediate and massive aid in which Australia provided proving its close ties with South East Asia and more specifically a closer relationship with Indonesia due to its significant share of that aid given to the region.

So just what was this tsunami and what caused it. A tsunami is a Japanese word which roughly translates into "harbour wave" it is triggered by a vertical disturbance in the ocean for example an earthquake, landslide or volcanic eruption. The cause of this disaster was a large earthquake off the western coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, where 2 plates of the earth's crust grind against each other. About 1,200 km of the Burma plate edge snapped, which forced a massive movement of water in the Indian Ocean. The waves spread in all directions, and moved at 800km/h. It struck on The 26th of December 2004.

After the wave itself subsided what has been seen is the vastly improved relationship between Australia and Indonesia. This can be seen as one of the positives to come from the tsunami which worked as a catalyst in Australia's donation of aid. This judgement is made evident from the various articles which reiterate this view. Method in mayhem by Tony Wright in The Bulletin magazine tells of how the aid has assisted in an improved relationship "Australians relationship with it's nearest neighbour Indones...

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Tony Wright, (2005) The Bulletin- Method in mayhem

Australia Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development- Joint Ministerial Statement

The 7.30 Report, ABC Television (2005) World Bank applauds Australia's aid pledge

Elliot. M, 2005, "In the wake of Tragedy" Time Magazine, January 10, pg 34-52

Walters. P, 2005, "Unarmed Troops can win the day- TSUNAMI SWAMP ASIA: THE AFTERMATH" The Australian, Tuesday January 11, page 004

Conn. M & Egan. C, 2005 "Nation sports a great big Heart" The Australian, Tuesday January 11, page 001

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