Auschwitz Camp Research Paper

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Source Summaries Source #1 URL: Summary: The Auschwitz camp included 3 main camps Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II, and Auschwitz III alongside around 40 mini camps. Around 1.1 million people were killed at Auschwitz. AI contained gas chambers, crematoriums, and medical facilities. Doctors researched twins, dwarfs, and infants. The “Black Wall was a place where many prisoners were executed. AII also had an execution centre. AII had the largest prisoner population. There were camps for Jewish families, Gypsy families, Women, men, and children camps. Zyklon B was the gas mainly used in the gas chambers. Jews and people from Hungary, Poland, France, Netherlands, Greece, Belgium and other countries. …show more content…

Gas chambers were cleverly disguised as shower facilities misleading the victims. At least 960,000 jews killed At the camps. about 120,000 other ethnicities killed. On October 7th, 1944 a couple hundred prisoners revolted killing guards and blew up a crematorium and a gas chamber. Most of the revolters were killed. Some jewish women had smuggled the explosives in and they were hung. The Nazis started to destroy evidence when the Soviets started approaching. The Germans destroyed gas chambers, records, crematoriums, laboratories, and other evidence to hide what they were doing. AIII was built in 1942 near a rubber factory so the prisoners worked in the factories. 44 subcamps produced agricultural goods. The Germans started evacuating the camps when the Soviets started to approach. Jews forced to march either northwest from the camp which was 30 miles, or west which was 35 miles to freight trains. If you fell behind you were shot. Anyone who survived then had to get on a train and be transported to Germany with no food, water, or blankets. Many …show more content…

It was the largest Nazi Camp ever in operation. It was located in Poland. There were two types of Nazi camp a concentration camp which was used for slave labor and holding prisoners and doing medical experiments, and Death camps which are exactly what the title says. When the camp was built nearby neighborhoods were bulldozed. Auschwitz II was built to operate all other Nazi camps. Also bodies were burned and people were gassed here like all camps. Monowitz or Auschwitz III was a smaller camp which held 10,000 prisoners. When a Jew arrived at a camp you would be examined by a Nazi doctor and if you were fit to work you’d work and maybe die of overwork or you’d be taken to take a shower which was secretly a gas chamber where you’d be executed. Horrible medical experiments were performed in camps. For example Twins would be injected with poison to see if they would die at the exact same time. When the Allies got nearer the officials at the camp destroyed evidence and buildings at Auschwitz. 60,000 prisoners were marched to trains to be shipped to other camps in Germany. The Soviets found piles upon piles of Bodies, clothes, hair. shoes

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