For this assignment I decided to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at Jones Memorial United Methodist Church in Forest Park, Georgia. Jones Memorial United Methodist Church hosts two Alcohol Anonymous meetings on Tuesdays and Fridays. I decided to attend the meeting on Friday, September 16, 2016. The meeting started promptly at 7pm and lasted until 8pm. There were approximately 11 attendees including myself.
The Alcoholics Anonymous meeting was an open discussion meeting. There were people from different backgrounds but everyone was respectful and friendly to one another. We started the meeting with a word of prayer. As a group, we held hands and recited the Lord’s Prayer. After the prayer the group recited a chant and swung their hands back-and-forth. After the prayer, we sat in a circle and the facilitator passed around an offering basket. Once offering was completed, I was asked by the facilitator to introduce myself. During my introduction, I politely stated my name, the name of my school, and major. The other attendees introduced themselves by stating “Hello, my name is John Doe and I am an alcoholic.” They then proceeded to share their personal experiences with alcoholism and express their gratitude for the 12-step meeting. While speaking, each attendee shared the moments in their lives that made them decided to seek treatment and how many years they have been sober. Each member of the group was very supportive of their group mates. They showered each other with love and gave advice for staying on track.
I enjoyed the meeting. It gave me an opportunity to see how excessive use of alcohol can control your ability to function in society. Each member was determined to stay sober and find other things to do besides drin...
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...t step and in February they would focus on the 2nd step.
Something that stood out to me during the meeting was that some attendees lived in fear for years after being sober. They wouldn’t come outside of their homes for the reasons being that they would use again or run into old friends that used to drink with them. Also, I found it interesting that every year group members come together to celebrate their years in sobriety. The celebration consists of a speaker, food, and fun. Overall, I really enjoyed sitting in on an AA meeting. As an aspiring social worker, this meeting helped me to understand that it is not easy to get over an addiction. Also, if I decide to work with substance abusers, there may be times where they may relapse. I would have to learn how to be patient and keep in mind that excessive use of substances can alter your brain and control your life.
The center combines a safe housing environment with structured educational programs that incorporate the philosophies of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous is the original self help group founded on principles that provide support and encouragement for recovering alcoholics. New members are encouraged to work with a spon...
When the term alcohol anonymous is said most of us think of a group of drunks that can’t seem to get themselves together and stay clean. For the student nurse this is the view that she had going into her first alcohol anonymous meeting. As bad as it sounds, it is kind of hard to imagine what goes through the minds and lives of people who deal with this struggle on a daily basis. Innervison was the eye opener that the student nurse needed to clear all the stereotypes, and negative thoughts about people that just seemed to want to drink and never get their lives together. Innervision is a non-profit organization that specializes in help with recovery patients, helping consumers find employment, education, and provides resources for patients with psychiatric disabilities.
Before I attended an AA meeting, I did not realize the significance of AA and the twelve-step program. Now I understand how these group meetings were designed to influence an individual to remain sober, but also it was meant to use your voice and ask for help when needed. I was glad that I had the opportunity to attend an AA meeting because I was able to see first hand an alcoholic’s point of view. It helped me understand that the negative stereotype of an alcoholic is not true and that because of their disease, they are living in a world that they cannot mentally comprehend because of their inability to refrain from drinking.
This meeting lasted about 1 hour and I felt very welcomed in this warm compassionate setting. Attending this meeting, I knew that I wasn’t going to be judged or looked down upon because of my situation or issues. Everyone who attended this meeting has a story to tell and that is why they choose to come. I choose to attend this meeting because of my past struggles, so I felt that I could relate to the material that was presented. The ...
Alcoholism is as prevalent in my family, as blood is in our veins. When previously asked to observe 12-step groups, I ritualistically flocked to Alcoholics Anonymous, without consideration of the possibility that other groups had any potential to make an impact on me. I always pride myself in my ability to identify as an individual that is not ensnared in alcoholism, but unfortunately am an individual that was highly tormented by alcoholism. Through observation of the group and how it processed, as well as identifying how I felt as a new attendee, I was able to understand why self-help, support groups are so vital for individuals in recovery. I finally realized, I too am in recovery.
It was just us: thirty young men, and our two city counselors. I vividly remember the theme of the discussion: "What is your biggest goal and biggest fear in life?" What I heard that night from people I still barely knew astonished me. The hopes and fears that I heard from my fellow city members truly inspired me to work hard in life and do whatever I can to face my fears. When it was finally my turn to share with the group, I told everyone that my biggest goal was to do well in high school and college, find my dream job, have a family, and be happy. That goal may sound very ordinary, but that is truly my dream for the future. Next, I told everyone that my biggest fear was to lose motivation in life. I explained how I work so hard in high school because I have the motivation of my goal that I mentioned previously. If I lost this motivation, I do not know where I would
However, rather than treating an addiction like a disease, society treats addiction by stigmatizing the person like a failure, and criminal. Those who suffer with this disease, both the addict, and their friends and family, are usually isolated by judgment and embarrassment from others, who are unaware and ignorant to the issue. As a result, the disease sadly often goes unrecognized and untreated, especially among the poor, and those who are unable to get proper treatment. Once again, I am very happy after attending my second meeting, and it has an overall great experience. I wish more people were open to meetings to see how great and beneficial they are to all kinds of people, and this summer that is my goal to open others up to attending meetings that could help benefit
...ethnicity or culture; it happens to anyone such as, doctors, lawyers, teacher, judges, students and many more. My observation of the meeting was that every member seemed to really listen to each other’s sharing, where each member shared an experience, and others could relate to that particular experience or had similar experiences, such as struggling with promiscuous behavior or relapses in attending meetings, but they still stuck with the program because they wanted change in their lives. No one was rushed in their sharing, and everyone was opened and friendly. It was a cohesive group. I felt a sense of that openness, when I was introduced to everyone, and included at close of the meeting, where everyone one formed a circle, held hands and recited the serenity prayer. Overall, it was a new and knowledgeable experience Another Chance gave me.
...meeting was one of awe and some relief. This meeting made me realize that I should really appreciate the things that I have in life because there are others out there who are way off worse. What I learned from the meeting is that the problem is not how much you drink; it’s what happens when you drink. Getting clean and sober is for those who want it, not those who need it. The key step for addicts is to maintain a motivated way of thinking once you start feeling good about yourself from making amends. I believe 12-step sober support groups can be extremely beneficial to the person attempting abstinence. The premise is that one addict can best help another and that by helping another you actually help yourself. AA is a fundamental example of how groups support sobriety in individuals as long as they are willing to follow a program and commit to changing their habits.
I do not regret it because it was an experience that taught me something. After attending the A.A meeting I realized/learned that everyone was there for the same reason. Everyone was on a road to recovery, everyone had a desire to stop drinking and everyone was trying to stay sober. I learned the stories of those who had an alcohol dependence problems. Some stories where sadder than others. I learned the stories of why the people chose to get sober. Some stories consisted of trauma that occurred, some stories consisted of children and some stories simply consisted of change. I learned that it is important to share and express your feelings at A.A meetings. Most importantly, I learned that the people at the A.A meeting were not judgmental and they are very accepting to others. Attending an A.A meeting gave me an inside feel of how an alcoholic or recovering addict may feel when attending their first meeting.
Though not much research has been done to find out the effectiveness on NA meetings for persons with addictions, there are some studies done to show outcomes of this form of treatment. Many addicts try to put themselves in rehab or some form of treatment to help them with their recovery. According to the article “Attendance at Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, frequency of attendance and substance use outcomes after residential treatment for drug dependence: a 5-year follow-up study” by Michael Gossop, Duncan Stewart, John Marsden, they state “…the relatively high rate of relapse which often occurs after leaving treatment gives rise to concern” (Gossop, Stewart, & Marsden ,2008). This means after rehab there is no form of treatment helping them with their sobriety. “Studies that looked specifically at NA have found an association between group attendance and improved drug-using outcomes and length of time in NA has been found to be related to abstinence from illicit drugs” (Gossop, Stewart, & Marsden ,2008). Another study on youth, ages ranging from 30 and under, from the article “Can 12-step group participation strengthen and extend the benefits of adolescent addiction treatment? A prospective analysis” by John Kelly, Sarah Dow, Julie Yeterian, and Christopher Kahler, explains “…high post-treatment rates
Connecting is part of this wonderful Fellowship of men and women who share experiences, strengths and hope of a better, sober life. The philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous is that alcoholism is a disease and no one is “cured” even if they stop drinking. The members of this informal group focus on staying sober “one day at a time”. And, anyone who desires to stop drinking is welcomed into the
I introduced myself. I learned that the facilitator for the night is actually a member, a 30-year sober member. I was asked to enjoy refreshments and was greeted cordially by present members. The meeting was held in a church reception hall and the room was set up with 3 tables parallel from each other. I participated in this group as an observer, although, I did introduce myself at the beginning. The issue of this group was alcoholism and how to stay sober. The purpose of the group is to be a support system for those who are struggling with sobriety and those who have been successful in sobriety. The group focuses its healing around the 12-steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. This support group is open and provides no limit to the attendee
Wechsler, H., Nelson T., & Weitzman, E. (February 2000). From Knowledge to Action. Change [On-line], Available: (Galileo)(EBSCOhost)(Search=Alcohol Abuse).
A situation that involves nursing based on the family as a component of society includes a man, his wife, and two daughters. This man was admitted to the hospital for an alcohol problem that required treatment. The wife and daughters were suffering emotionally from this man’s illness and wanted him to seek help to better himself. As the nurse, I offered support to the family and provided information for community assistance along with resources regarding Alcoholic anonymous. According to Timco, C., Cronkite, R., Kaskutas, L., laudet, A., Roth, J., Moos, R. (2015.), Alcoholic Anonymous is used to create a better way of life with less stress. This is what this family needs in order to continue to function as a family. A few months later, I ran into this family and heard what a success their family has been due to the use of community resources. This family feels their lives are on the right track now and feel they have this man as a husband and father instead of the drunkard he used to