Attawapiskat Case Study

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Relevant Considerations Historically, Attawapiskat has largely been left alone regarding mental health services, as health resources are underfunded and difficult to implement due to the isolated location (Attawapiskat: Four Things, 2016). As of July 24, 2017 a major political breakthrough in healthcare occurred, affecting the forty-nine communities governed by the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (One Step Closer, 2017). First Nation leaders signed the Charter of Relationship Principles Governing Health System Transformation, which is meant to bring reform to the healthcare system in rural communities in Northern Ontario. The Charter permits First Nation communities within the Nishnawbe Aski Nation to “design and control their own healthcare system”, while maintaining “culturally appropriate mental health …show more content…

I will lead the project in the position of Project Manager. This decision was made due to my in-depth understanding of the goals of the policy and familiarity with the community of Attawapiskat. Communication with the Youth Committee in Attawapiskat lead to the selection of an experienced individual for the Youth Coordinator position. The successful candidate is a citizen of Attawapiskat and deeply involved in community events, and was a key leader of the Youth Committee. The Youth Coordinator has experience working directly with youth and is knowledgeable about the community The Youth Counselor is a certified therapist originally from Attawapiskat. This team member has an understanding and sensitivity to indigenous issues after growing up in Attawapiskat and working for Indigenous Affairs in Whitehorse, Yukon. This candidate was selected for both personal experience in Attawapiskat and for extensive experience in mental health. The following chart indicates the responsibilities for each team

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