Atlantic Slave Trade Research Paper

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During the 16th to 19th century Europeans transported a colossal amount of slaves to the New World from Africa. In the Atlantic a vast amount of slaver ships journeyed to the New World now known as South America, bringing with them a boatload of slaves. The conditions these slaves had to endure were anything but hospitable. Either sold into slavery by their own people or captured by merchants these slaves were about to face 3 centuries worth of torture.

The slaves were taken to either South America or very few into Northern America. Many started off their trip on the coast of West Africa, bought by merchants and sold at markets and by the boatload to investors in South America looking …show more content…

Therefor , nine out of ten of the slaves in the New World were Africans. First, they would be captured or sold to English, Spanish or Portuguese. Then, traded across South America to work the crops. Such as sugar. The trade led to the destruction of African life and their cultures, Forms of slavery differed in both Africa and in the South America. In general, slavery in Africa was not heritable (that is, the children of slaves were most of the time free) while in the Americas, children of slave mothers were considered born into slavery. Families had a hard time sticking together since they could be sold to different buyers at the market any given day. All slaves were expected to be good at farming, building and mining occasionally. But a large amount of the slaves died from foreign diseases, overwork, malnutrition and by their owners for fun or punishment. Nevertheless, for a variety of reasons, Africans replaced Native Americans as the main population of enslaved people in the …show more content…

In the Americas, slaves were denied the right to marry their family members and the masters did not generally accept them as equal members of the family. Therefore, slaves that were convicted of revolt or murder were executed without remorse. The days where lasting as well as tiring, with no end to the work in sight. Some slaves dropped dead in the fields from the exhaustion of work or just being plain undernourished. Almost every free European immigrant had slaves whose days were not short of this. With this monumental part of land found and it is a steal to buy, slaves were needed to work it. As it was too hot for the Europeans, they had figured since Africans were used to the heat and seen as stupid people with a different skin color, this was an ideal purpose for them. If you were African and had a child their life would remain the same as yours when they came to an age to work, However ,sometimes Africans were forced to have children by the plantation owner that way they could make money for them, regardless of your feeling they would be sold or worked. But this might not be a matter considering the death rate was higher that the birth rate. Consequently, the Europeans just shipped more of them from

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