Athens Golden Age Research Paper

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Athens’ Golden Age
Normally accustomed to being able to wrap solid dates around events, I’m having a hard time finding consensus regarding when Athens’ Golden Age started and ended. My research found some discussions about Athens’ Golden Age, speaking in broader terms, suggesting this was a golden age of Greece itself. It’s clear the Pericles had a profound impact, some call his contributions, “the Age of Pericles.” Evelyn Abbott’s 1891 book, “Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens,” suggests that Pericles and Athens’ Golden Age go hand-in-hand.
Michael Russo suggests that the Golden began in 461 BCE, the first year he says that Pericles was elected an Athenian Strategos (2001). Peter Brand supports this date, suggesting Pericles dominated Athenian politics between 461-429 BCE (n.d.). provides a conflicting view, suggesting the Golden age was between 449-431 BCE, a period of peace after the Persian wars and before the Peloponnesian War (2009). And so, I am left wondering if within the Age of Pericles, falls the Golden Age of Athens.
End of the Golden Age
Championed by Pericles, Athens’ Golden Age was fostered by the freedoms its democratic government offered and funded by Delian League coffers. Art, theater, literature, philosophy, science and architecture (some still standing) all flourished (Russo, …show more content…

As I view the Learning Journal forum, it’s an opportunity for the student to answer the assignment question and share some of the learning that went along with it. My take away this week is learning to be highly critical of reference sources pertaining to events that took place thousands of years ago. I feel that I’m still trying to find my “voice” when discussing ancient events. It’s not as cut and dry compared to researching and writing about current events! It seems, lurking behind every corner there’s an opportunity to put my foot in my

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