Athenian Democracy

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The first form of democracy was born in “Athens, Greece” (“History of”). Demokratia is a Greek word meaning “rule by the people” (“Rule by”). The “Athenian democracy depended on every citizen fulfilling his role” (“Democracy Is”). The ideology behind democracy has not altered from the Athenian democracy. It is still essential for citizens to participate in a democracy in order to fulfil a democracies main political goal, which is a government by the people. Over the course of history several nations have adopted democracy. The American colonies developed the first modern democracy, when the American Revolution “prompted a call for a new type of government with a constitution to guarantee liberty” (“Foundations of”). The American Constitution …show more content…

The government has a unique ability to avoid releasing information, in fact, “executive government can use a number of excuses to avoid divulging potentially embarrassing information, for instance, protecting national security, safeguarding relations with other governments, concealing confidential advice or commercially sensitive information and avoiding comment on cases before the courts” (Mulgan 113). Mulgan also states that “for the most part, the government itself is allowed to determine when information can justifiably be withheld” (113). According to Schedler, “If the exercise of power were transparent, there would be no need for holding anybody accountable. The demand for accountability originates from the opacity of power” (Schedler 20). A flaw in our government is that there is very little transparency. Citizens in the United States do not have full access to the decisions the government officials make. In order to strengthen our democracy, the citizens must have the opportunity to know the truth and know the decisions or mistakes that are made in government. The government uses numerous excuses and responses in order to keep their secrets and information from citizens. The government has the ability to decide what information it chooses to release for the general public, therefore, it can withhold …show more content…

Education is a important staple in societies and is “conducive to democracy” (“Reaching Out”). According to a sub-Saharan African study, “People of voting age with a primary education were 1.5 times more likely to support democracy than people with no education – those who had completed secondary school were three times more likely” (“Reaching Out”). A critical tool that education helps develop is that “education helps people make informed judgements” (“Reaching Out”). It has been discovered that “Education has a key role in fostering national and international support for the multilateral governance needed to address problems such as finance, trade, security and environmental sustainability” (“Reaching Out”). Carl Becker says that “It must then be an assumption of democratic government that its citizens are rational creatures, sufficiently so at least to understand the interests in conflict” (Becker 132). Education is the most important tool for a democratic government to utilize. Education develops future generations to ensure that the country will have qualified and adequate leaders to lead the country in later years. However, not only does education help develop future leaders, it also helps develop future citizens. In the sub-Saharan African study, it was proven that the more education a person receives the

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