Assignment 2 Health Psychology Essay

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Lucas Stefano Kin 1070A October 23, 2017 Assignment 2 Health Psychology 1) What was the rationale for doing the study? The rationale for doing this study was to examine a six-month physical exercise with a multicomponent cognitive program (MCP). The study closely monitored the cognitive function of elders with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease. The aim of the study was to determine if cognitive function can improve in older adults with the use of multicomponent cognitive intervention and physical exercise. 2) Briefly explain the design of this study? The design of this particular study was to take thirty-three participants with Alzheimer’s disease and place them in a six-month randomized controlled trial.The intervention group had physical exercise and the MCP. Whereas, the control group received only the MCP. Cognitive outcomes were …show more content…

The pedal power portion had seven stages from 10 W-70 W, which was used in order to determine the total load. Grip strength was also conducted with a standard handgrip dynamometer. The maximum force of two attempts was documented. Lastly, balance was assessed. Physical measures were tested at baseline followed by month one, three and six. 5. What did the authors find? The authors of the article discovered that when values were adjusted solely on baseline tests there were no significant differences in cognitive functions between the groups intervention group and the control group. Furthermore, the test values were adjusted on the basis of baseline values, sex, age and educational years. When analysis was done on these values there were marginal differences. ADAS-cog was much lower in the intervention group MMSE and CDT did not show significant changes. Physical outcomes were all much higher in the intervention group with the exception of total load measurements. 6. How confident are you in the findings being

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