Assessment of the French Revolution

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Assessment of the French Revolution

The radical phase of the French Revolution was the time when the Reign

of Terror began. The radicalism (change in political and social

condition of France) started with the emerged of republican (a system

of no king) view among the people of France especially the Jacobins.

Those who wanted republican became more active aiming to overthrow the

king by finding faults on him.

What they hoped was aided by King Louis XVI himself after he tried to

escape from France to join the émigrés forces over the frontier but

failed and his veto on several decrees such as decree by which I

January 1792 was the fixed day on which the émigrés must be return to

France or be sentenced to death, decree concerning non-juring priest

and the formation of an army to protect Paris had led him to be

distrust by the people and further strengthen the republican view.

Other factors that led to the radical phase was the external event

whereby with the Declaration of Pillnitz and Manifesto war break out

between the Great Powers , Belgium, Holland against the revolutionary

army. Internal event; revolt of the non-juring priest in La Vendee

against the Assembly (caused by the released of the Civil Constitution

of Clergy).

In Paris, the condition was in a state of confused, people were living

in fear and terror especially with the introduction of Law of

suspects. The conflict between the two different factions, Jacobins

and Girodins (both were revolutionary and had republican aim)

especially on the issue of war and the personal enermity between the

leaders of each factions. As the revolution progressed the Jacobins


... middle of paper ... the above statement

come in, Robespierre who had once control France through the

Revolutionary Commune and the Committee of Public Safety was having

the same fate as the previous other leaders death upon their way. The

death of Robespierre marked the end of the Reign of Terror.

From the written points, the statement above proved as the revolution

progesed, the revolution began to turn again those who had previously

led it. The disunited among the revolutionary leaders increased start

from Girodins against Jacobins, Danton and Robespierre against

Hebertist, Robespierre against Danton and lastly Robespierre against

the Convention. And in the end all were guillotined. This is mainly

caused by the different of opinions and as for the common people they

didn’t know what they want, they just simply follow the leaders.

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