Assess The Importance Of Spiritual Beliefs

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Spiritual Beliefs. Spiritual beliefs is an important part of how many people deal with life's joys and hardships. The spiritual aspect of identity pays attention to who an individual really is, and their place and purpose in the world (Eaude, 2006, as cited in Adams, 2009). In addition, spiritual beliefs are transmitted most effectively as a routine part of daily life. Faith creeds are caught more than they are taught (Neifert, 2011). Furthermore, spiritual beliefs can be a source of significant support including social affiliations as with all cultural constructs. Care should be taken to assess the importance of spirituality or religion for the child. Reece, Hanson, and Sargent (2014). Spiritual beliefs is an individualized belief, it could be according to traditions or the society’s main culture (Natamcancer, 2014).
Lastly, spiritual beliefs such as faith can provide people with a sense of purpose and guidelines for living. There are studies indicating that spiritual people exhibits fewer self-destructive behaviors (i.e. suicide, smoking, and drug and alcohol abuse), less stress, and a greater total life satisfaction (Kidshealth, 2015). Spiritual Practices provide further development of a person as the spiritual heart far beyond his body and cocoon (Antonov, 2008). A spiritual practice begins with the body and ends …show more content…

It helps in discovering that in spite of differences in the doctrines and practices of world religion embodied with prayer, it plays a central role in all of them (Vennard, 2013). In fact it is with this that children are in touch with a life-enhancing spirituality. They live in the present moment and are alive to the energy of wonders. It can be said that it can help children to pay attention to God’s activity in their lives, show them the ways that they can shine their light to others (Shine Curriculum,

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