Assassin's Blood

1947 Words4 Pages

The home was fully alarmed and had sentries deliberately posted inside

and out, but it made no difference to him. He slipped from shadow to

shadow, silently advancing toward his prey with the slyness of a

cougar. Small arsenals of weapons were at his disposal and hung from

the compartment around his waist slightly open and ready. Soft shoes

and an even softer step made his approach silently and deadly. His

dark clothing, years of training and experience gave him a distinct

edge over his targets. They usually didn't even know they were being

hunted until it was too late. By then they were on their way to


He could see a crack of light coming from the side of his victim's

bedroom door. He was still awake. No problem, he thought, it would be

over before it began. He slid along the wall to the edge of the door

and listened to the sounds coming from the other side. His mark was

humming a catchy little tune that reminded him of a television

commercial he had recently seen. He smiled thinking the idiot would

die with that stupid jingle going through his head. He gently opened

the door further and looked in through the open space. He could see

the man's back to him covered in a silken red robe combing a scrubby

patch of hair in a mirror on a dressing unit next to the bed. He would

wait until he was in bed and the lights were out.

He didn't have to wait long. The light from the bedroom went out and

he heard the rustling of sheets and the creak of bed boards as his

target shifted into a comfortable position. He stood in the shadows

for a moment longer and then made his move. With practiced care he

opened the door just far enou...

... middle of paper ...

... said, "Well, the answer to both is one in the

same." Lopez strained to understand, but failed to grasp what was

being said. "I hired you, Lopez. I hired you to kill me, or should I

say try to kill me. People have been trying to kill me for centuries

and fail miserably each and every time. I enjoy good sport and a

challenge as you do, I'm sure. What greater challenge could I have

than to elude a paid professional assassin. You see, I am a vampire,

Lopez. One of the undead. That is why I move so quickly. That is why

my wounds heal instantly. That is why you could not kill me, I am a

superior being that has been alive for thousands of years. And now you

have become just another meal for me to sup upon. Oh well, ces't la

vie," the old man said and severed Lopez's jugular with the

switchblade and dined on assassin's blood.

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