Artificial Intelligence Essay

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The robot revolution has begun! The eradication of the human race by the cold, cunning, and calculating autonomous army of artificial intelligence is imminent and unstoppable… or is it? While our world is becoming increasingly dependant on new technologies, artificial intelligence is steadily progressing its importance in business, creativity, and labor efficiency. To understand the growing role of artificial intelligence, it is important to understand where it began and where it is headed.
While the fictionalized network of millions of interconnected and omniscient robots is easy to visualize, it is not how artificial intelligence truly exists in reality. Although there is no official classification of the different types of artificial intelligence …show more content…

This type of artificial intelligence was very primitive compared to today and was restricted by the domain of the data it was provided. It found success in pattern recognition applications, but it was not very good at extrapolation of the data and could not function at the edges of its domain (Herzfeld 32). This means that while it was skilled at making connections within the data, it could not recognize those patterns in new data. As the field of artificial intelligence was expanded by new research and discoveries, new types were introduced. The next classifications of artificial intelligence were strong and weak artificial intelligence, and we still classify by these today. To be labeled as strong artificial intelligence, the program must be proven to be able to develop a full human-like intelligence, which is determined by use of the Turing Test. (Herzfeld 33). To be labeled as weak artificial intelligence, the program must be able to understand human logic and reasoning and be able to solve unprecedented problems by studying an initial data set (Herzfeld 33). While we have yet to create a program that could be classified as strong artificial intelligence, we are quickly expanding and creating variations of weak artificial intelligence. The most common and used example of weak artificial intelligence is an artificial neural network. A neural …show more content…

One of the first was, of course, Alan Turing. He created the Turing Test to classify if a program had reached the intelligence of a human mind. This test is still used today. It is performed by connecting a human interrogator to two subjects, one human, and one artificial intelligence. If he cannot distinguish between the human and the artificial intelligence with a greater than fifty percent rate, the artificial intelligence can be classified as a strong artificial intelligence, or having intelligence equal to a human mind (Herzfeld 34). Another important individual in the development of artificial intelligence is Isaac Asimov. Although his specialty was chemistry, which he had a terminal degree in, he often philosophized over the role artificial intelligence would have as it expanded. He wrote over 470 books, many on this very issue. He is most famous for the three laws of robotics he conceived in his book The Rest of the Robots. His three laws were that no artificial intelligence or robot may harm a human or itself, and it must always obey human command (Isaac Asimov). Creation of an artificial intelligence that does not cohere by these rules may lead to an artificial intelligence which is beyond human control. Today, one of the foremost researchers of artificial intelligence is Elon Musk. He is the owner of companies like OpenAI, as well as leading

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