Article Analysis: Theft of Intellectual Property

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1) Theft of Intellectual Property Pages 541-542 10th ed. Woollacott, Emma. "US Should Get Tough On Chinese IP Theft, Committee Warns." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 23 May 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. The article discusses the impact of Intellectual Property Theft on the USA, with China being the biggest culprit. Intellectual Property Theft is encouraged in China and extremely large pools of companies participate in this type of practice. " According to the bipartisan Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, which produced the report, China accounts for at least half – and maybe as much as 80 percent – of US intellectual property theft." (Woollacott The Chinese are not only gaining access to military operational data, they are also accessing business operations data as well. One of the extreme solutions presented in the article is to not provide funds to the World Health Organization until they are an active participant in preventing Intellectual Property Theft. This particular issue does not currently affect my company, largely due to the fact that most of the software utilized is fairly common. There have been programming changes made to the original program, but they are merely to digitalize and automate basic business functions. However, the company is planning on going public sometime in the near future as they are currently the fourth largest medical billing company in the US. This is likely to increase the potential for theft due to the company having a more public profile as well as an increase in staff to accommodate more business. It is very common to have a company highlight one or more of their unique “features” in order to attract more clients. Depending on which feature(s) the company uses as p... ... middle of paper ... ...ject to the team that will be programming and launching project without asking for their input. I cannot fathom how the planning of an IT project does not involve or even consider the input from the team who will inevitably be held liable if the project fails at any point. Operations and management tend to look more towards the benefits of a project once it is implemented and base their decisions on that information. Generally, only the IT team can determine if a project is even a viable option to pursue. There are many factors to consider such as hardware, software, employee downtime, possible implementation issues, and a disaster plan. Operations and management tend to have little technical/programming knowledge, further complicating the project. Any project should have full IT involvement from beginning to end, especially since that team is heading the project.

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