Arti Artie Vladek Family Guilt Analysis

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Family guilt, and Survival guilt is something many people have it was something vladek had, and honestly I think Artie vladek’s son had some guilt too. Art know he he acts rude with his father, and all vladek trying to do is show love, and care to vladek it's crazy how even after all fis father went through he acts the ways he does towards him. Vladek try’s to have a good relationship with his son, but for some reason artie does not see that. As a father I know that deep inside vladek’s old aging heart he had the hope that one day his son would change the way he was with him. Tired maybe even overwhelmed, but vladek give up on his faith all he wanted to do was love his son. When we are children we want all the attention from our parents, but for some reason when we grow older we think we can overrule them. I can’t say I know what a father’s love feel like because mine is not around to show me the love vladek was trying to show artie. …show more content…

Which if you were to ask me I would say he was rude, and acted very immature. Many times when vladek would ask artie for help art would just refuse, and there was a time when he told his wife he rather feel guilty then travel all the way to his father’s house in queens. Art feels responsible for his mother's suicide believing that the cause of her suicide was him neglecting her. The last memory of art, and his mother was when she asked artie if he loved her, and he answered her with a cold, and dismissive “ sure.” This is something painful to love with to live the rest of your life blaming yourself for the lost of your loved one’s. This form of guilt doesn’t play a major role in the story, but art feels somewhat similar feelings towards his father that is still

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