Argumentative Writing Experience

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Mark Twain wrote “Experience is an author’s best friend”. (brainquotes 2015) Once you have experienced a situation you can write about that topic much more fluently. How then does an English Language Arts teacher in a rural school influence her student’s personal experiences in order for those students to fluently write about a topic. One way to do this is through the use of Geo-spatial technology. The use of GIS in an English Language Arts classroom allows students to see and explore far off places without the expense to actually travel to the locations. In today’s world of ruthless budget cuts many schools cannot afford to take field trips and grow those student experiences. Therefore teachers must be creative in broadening their students’ …show more content…

All three can be used as cross curriculum collaborative efforts to encourage writing in all subject areas. Narrative, Informational, and Argumentative writing can all be done over a wide range of subject, in a wide range of ways, for a wide range of purposes. All are vitally important to increasing students reading and writing ability and influence their educational accomplishments. There are many ways to integrate narrative writing across the curriculum. In science, students may summarize the results of an experiment, stories about the content being studied such as stories that take place in space, and explain content being studied in story form. In social studies, students may write about a historical event from the perspective of the people involved, write journal entries as if they were a famous person, and create a dialogue between two people in history. In Literature, students may write letters to the character in the book, turn a story into a Reader’s Theatre script, and develop a book review of a recently read book. In math, students may write a story problem, write a picture book using number concepts for a younger child, and keep a daily math journal about what they’ve learned or accomplished. In Language Arts and spelling, students may explain how to look up words in a thesaurus, create their own personal dictionary, and collect alternatives for words that are overused. In art, students may …show more content…

You pull out your old copy of Tom Sawyer and there is one mass groan across the entire body of students. How do you capture their attention? How can you bring this wonderful piece of literature alive for students of the electronic era? Mark Twain once wrote “Experience is an author’s best friend.” Now image those same students when you pull out your smart board linked iPad and bring up google earth. Now you have their attention. What if you could show them on the map exactly where the story is taking place. Perhaps even create a story map with a fly over of the route taking by ole Tom and his side kick Huck. This is possible with Geographic Information

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