Argumentative Essay: Why Are We Quitting?

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It is the winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge, soldiers like me are deciding weather we are going to quit or going to stay and fight and risk the fact that we might die. Men are being trained for hours in the murderous cold without shoes. I am quitting because this weather is taking a toll on me. I have seen my friends get chopped to pieces because of the cold. I am tired of not eating right, we are dying out here,we have to sleep in huts that are filled with smoke. Would you have quit if you were in my place? The reason I am quitting is not because i’m a coward it’s because I have a family to get back to and almost half of the men here are either sick or dying and I am not sick yet but i’m not planning to get sick either. Men are getting sick because it’s too cold and their not use to the weather yet, and we are not being fed enough because of the food mishape. 2,898 men were recorded sick on December 23, 1777. …show more content…

We thought that their was going to be enough food for 8 weeks but to find out it was 8 days. Now that men are starving I think i’m not the only one who is going to quit. Men who have just arrived at Valley Forge they aren’t taking this murderous winter well some newbies have already tried escaping because they didn’t want to wait until their service time was over, me on the other hand am going to stay here until my time is up but as soon as I get the chance to leave freely i’m taking

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