Argumentative Essay: Undocumented Immigrant Citizens

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I am a 16 year old girl and I am currently a sophomore at Lipscomb Academy High School. Recently, as a service learning opportunity, my classmates and I had the privilege to hear from several speakers from minority groups. These speakers gave insight into how their life has been growing up and some of the hardships and obstacles they have faced over time. One of the speakers talked about her experiences growing up with immigrant parents and her time living in Guatemala. After hearing how difficult it was for her parents to gain citizenship, I felt the need to address the issue. Immigration as a whole is an issue I feel strongly about. There is no direct path to citizenship. There are many immigrants who have become very successful in America, therefore it …show more content…

This scenario is much too familiar--- countless immigrant families are dealing with similar situations. America’s legal process of gaining U.S citizenship is broken and needs to be reassessed. Though many argue that immigration will hurt our country as a whole and that American jobs will be lost, I beg to differ. These people who have allowed themselves to believe such are ignoring the overwhelming contributions immigrants have made. It is estimated that states could lose up to $11.74 billion dollars in revenue if the undocumented immigrant population were to be deported. Many Americans say that citizenship is earned. I would like to know what I, or any other American born citizen, have done to “earn” citizenship. No one is in control of where they are born. I am blessed to have been born in a country, where as a white American I will have not have to worry about the injustice and prejudice that many face everyday. If citizenship is in fact “earned”, I have done nothing to do so. Immigrant families work so hard just to have the chance of a better life in

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