Argumentative Essay: The Use Of Drones In The Military

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Fighting in combat is much more difficult than what it was in the past. The use of technology has really been used within the military to protect our soldiers. It is much more dangerous to be in a war because of technology, money reasons, and the difficulty to fight back. The usage of drones in the military is a huge advantage and should not be banned to use them. In an article that was posted February 15, 2017, “Background of the Issue-Drones” talks about the usage and cost to use a drone. Drones have been used in wars in Muslim countries since 9/11. They are used to protect our soldiers from stepping foot onto the wicked grounds of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and other countries (“Background of the Issue”). This makes it safer for soldiers because now they have the advantage to fly a device with an explosive device on it. It cost roughly $5 million-14.4 million to purchase a drone (depending on which one), and $3,700-4,800 per flight hour …show more content…

Knowing that the government doesn’t give out the exact numbers of cost through any field, it $850,000 plus annually to maintain an American soldier in Afghanistan (“One soldier”). Not only does it cost this much to keep one soldier maintained, but there is an additional $1.2 million for each troop (“One soldier”). These numbers are determined by the amount of money spent per year, then divided by per soldier. (“One soldier”). On the contrary, there are different views. Washington Blog talks about an interview with General McChrystal in the article, “Top U.S. Warfighting Experts: Drones Increase Terrorism”. McChrystal stated “For every innocent person that you kill, you create 10 new enemies” (qtd. in “Top U.S. Warfighting”). Every time a civilian is being killed, more and more terrorists are being created. Drones have helped recruit extremists become larger (“Top U.S.

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