Argumentative Essay: The Legalization Of Child Labor

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How would you feel if your child worked extreme hours trying to earn money for your family? Imagine yourself being in a situation where you are too scared to speak out for your own welfare-- afraid that your life will be in jeopardy? Labor rights ensure a worker’s safety, proper payment, reasonable working hours, and termination of child labor. In many areas of the world, labor rights are not even provided. Such disregard is a violation of human rights. Despite all the changes made through history, employers and manufacturing companies still do not have respect for laborers and their rights. In order to respect one’s human rights, employers must treat workers’ rights as essentials to human rights. Workers deserve the right to demand for decent working conditions. In many parts of the world, labor violations are still present. Workers are forced to work in dangerous and unsafe places under harsh conditions. They work for long hours, yet receive little pay. Employees are not guaranteed protection or rights. Many …show more content…

Apparently, child slave labor has been out of hand in the chocolate industry for over fifteen years. In West Africa, children are forced to work on farms harvesting cocoa under inhumane conditions. They would be routinely beaten and would be given insufficient amounts of food. These children are stripped of their human rights. In July 2015, a report from Tulane University found a fifty-one percent increase in the number of children working in the cocoa industry from 2008/09 to 2013/14. In response to child slavery in West Africa, Hershey and other companies in the chocolate industry will invest $400 million by 2020 to increase the supply of certified cocoa and decrease questionable labor practices. They will educate farmers and their families of the dangers of child labor (“Lawsuit: Your Candy Bar Was Made By Child

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