Argumentative Essay: The Causes Of Abortion

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The sight of a mother cradling her newborn baby is a beautiful thing. The love in her eyes for her small vulnerable child is unmistakable. Women who have become a victim to abortion are not able to experience special moments such as these. Abortion impacts the health and well being of the women affected by it. It has become a common way for women to escape a difficult time in their life. At the time, abortion may seem like a good idea. Most women think that it will solve the current problem they are in; this is not the case. Abortion actually ends up creating more problems than the woman can solve. A large percentage of abortions are decided for social reasons; the baby is seen as a nuisance by the mother, she does not want people to think …show more content…

Flashbacks of the abortion bring sadness and terror, reminding the women of the scarring pastime. Sometimes the sound a baby crying or the sound of a vacuum can bring back terrible memories of that dreadful day. A suction abortion, a type of abortion, sounds similar to a vacuum and the women who have had it preformed on them have said that the sound of a vacuum takes them back to the day they had the surgery done on them. The sound of a baby crying could trigger emotions of regret of not continuing the pregnancy and keeping the baby. Sleep disorder sabotages their daily lives. Not being able to sleep right makes it hard to focus on work. Eating on a schedule or no schedule at all can become a difficult task, and it can even make them depressed because of the lack of sleep. Hyper-vigilance is sensory over load which makes their behavior more …show more content…

Next year’s presidential election is incredibly important in regards to abortion. It is the voters choice to decide whether abortion should be legal or not. Hillary Clinton, who is a current candidate running for president, believes that it is a woman’s choice to decide whether or not she wants to get an abortion. She says that it is the woman’s right to have an abortion, to end a life that has not even seen outside of its mother’s womb. Hillary says that she is concerned for the well being and the future as well being, of the women of America. If she truly is concerned for the future well being of the women of America then it would seem that she would be concerned for the women who are not yet born. Alcorn says, “There can be no equal rights for all women until there are equal rights for unborn women.” (99) Whether the majority of USA 's vote are for a democrat or republican candidate, Americans need to know how the candidates view abortion. No matter what they believe about abortion, America can not ignore the facts that it does impact women’s health and well

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