Argumentative Essay: Should Australia Become A Republic?

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Over the past centuries Australia has developed as a nation and remains the greatest country on earth. This exceptional standard shows how quickly this country has matured and achieved social progress. Becoming a republic is one of the final steps needed for Australia to move beyond past norms and into something superior.
Since this change is inevitable the need for constitutional reform is evident. The 114 year old constitution contains several instances of colonial language that is not necessary in 21st century Australia. For example in section 59 the constitution allows for the Queen to “disallow any law within one year from the Governor General’s assent” (Australia, 2013.) Apart from the fact that the Queen has rarely used this power, it is unnecessary and doesn’t represent what Australia is. A foreign citizen, whether in principle or practice should not have the power to veto any law affirmed by the Australian parliament. Throughout the constitution there a several instances of outdated, redundant clauses which serve no purpose. In light of Australia’s sovereignty we should move towards a constitution that upholds independence and embodies our modern society. …show more content…

The monarchy is a medieval concept that traditionally resembles a dictatorship. The rise of parliament saw a major shift away from the monarch with laws being created by parliament. The traditional monarchy reveals a ‘top down’ approach that is corrupt with laws often sparked out of greed and self-interest. What occurs today is a ‘bottom up’ approach where lawmakers a determined by the people, accountable to the people and is therefore in practice a republic (Teague 2014.) Taking that final step towards official independence is only asserting what we have today and letting go of what used to represent an oppressive system of

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