Argumentative Essay On The Devil

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The word “Satan” means “adversary” and in taking the root of the word into our culture it is obvious that the devil is our opponent. The devil has become a common sense of evil in almost all cultures. The devil is everywhere, from movies to music to T.V, the devil seems to be inescapable. Weather called the devil, lucifer, Satan; the devil almost always depicts an evil presence. Believing that the devil is real or fake; culture has made him a known figure. The global depictions of the devil range from him being pure evil, to him being worshiped as a god, to him not being an actual existence. Every person may have their own devil, their own opponent. The Seahawks definitely have adversaries of other teams, and vise versa. Satan is nothing new …show more content…

Over the years we have created many ideas of what Satan may look like or act like. The most common depiction being pointy red horns, a long tail, and a pitchfork; typical for movie or drawing ideals. (Rybar, 1998[) In Western modern religion we have the legend of the Sons and Daughters of Man versus the Sons and Daughters of God. Edgar Cayce explains that these were the self-seeking, rebellious celestial beings battling with the God-centered, cooperating celestials. Both groups began to incarnate in the Earth. Both spirits began to manifest in matter. As people learn and grow, humans try to go for control. For the directors of movies and the writers of songs all over the world, it makes life controlled if they can portray evil in a way that people are going to understand. Most people get the messy aspect, the powerful gleam in his eyes, the evil things said, the darkness; it comes easily to relate the mess to evil because good in American culture is clean, healthy, bright, and well kept. The contrast of good and evil relates powerfully to light and …show more content…

There is light and dark, day and night, but not everything can be black and white. In the Harry Potter books by J.K Rowling a character by the name of Sirius Black once said “the world is not divided into good people and Death eaters. There is both light and dark inside us, the difference is which one you act upon.” Rowling was right, the world is good and bad but the idea of good and evil are separable in each of us. There may never be a clear cut line of what makes someone a good person or a bad person which maybe is why some people believe that the devil isn’t evil. In some religious cultures the devil is someone or worship while some believe that he is good and evil. It is the gray; the totality of reality separated into arbitrary groupings. Satan may not be a real being, not a living entity, not conscious, nor a physical thing that can be connected with. Maybe Satan is a symbol or idol for, something delicate, something or someone that exists as an emotional attachment and personal dream. Just like the Buddhists do not worship Buddha, Satanists hold up Satan as an ultimate principle rather than an object of literal worship, like how Christians worship God with music or kind actions. (Lieston, 2003) So, like some other religions the ultimate point is self-help. Humanity categorizes so many areas of life so that we can feel that maybe we have a little more control than when things go astray or the going gets

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