Argumentative Essay On Sikhism

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Curiosity is bad and good for religions. Unfortunately, hate crimes has happened due to people not having curiosity to understand one’s religious practices. Sikhism is at the top for misunderstood religion in the West. One of the main reasoning is the everyday attire for this religion. The last human guru for Sikhs, named Gobind Singh, put five articles of faith Sikhs need to practice. The famous five K’s are kes, kangha, kachera, kara, also, kirpan. The main two article pieces of Sikhism argued today in politics are the kirpan and turban. Kirpan is a short steel dagger. The kirpan has been in news for being banned to have one in public places. In India, the kirpan is banned in three domestic regions. In Canada, they passed a law for Sikhs …show more content…

In July, an elderly Sikh man, Avtar Singh, had been assaulted from neighboring business owner and arrested due to him keeping his kirpan. “He was questioned before anyone attended to his injuries and then taken to the hospital and was handcuffed to the hospital bed during his stay at the hospital. He was then taken to the police station and jailed till his family members filed his bail application (United Sikhs).” United Sikhs helped the man with his bail. They have had an impact in their community by keeping statistics of Sikh men and women civil rights cases. They are attempting to educate outsiders. Another violence act that has made impact on foreign policy in certain parts of the world, such as United States, is due to misjudgment. Headdress worn by individuals of Sikh have been targeted against society. Ever since the tragic attack of the twin towers on September 11th, 2001, this has caused fear for Sikh- Americans. Turbans are worn as part of the Sikh culture. Turbans have been a new wave for Muslims and Sikhs to be discriminated in their everyday lives. In America, Sikhs are always mistaken with Muslims when it comes to hate crimes. Gudwaras, place of worship, have been on

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