Argumentative Essay On Sandy Hook

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Zuri Garcia
Ann Cumba
23 November 2015 Life’s Lost Due to a Gun/ Many Innocent Lives Ended in Sandy Hook One morning in Newtown, Connecticut, many children and staff of Sandy Hook Elementary were ready to begin their daily routine of attending school or for some, work. Unfortunately, they were not aware that this would be the last time they do so. The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary ended the lives of several staff and young children. This devastating tragedy added fuel to the controversial gun debate. Parents of the children lobbied to pass gun reform laws which would help provide safety for our citizens and prevent terrible events like this from happening in the future. “The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting …show more content…

"Their goal of their personal appeals is to speak to every senator who has yet to express support for the gun legislation, and to show how the Dec. 14 shooting has affected their lives." This tragedy drastically affected their lives, and it was only right to fight for other families to not have to go through a similar experience. Newtown, Conneticut families traveled to Capitol Hill to stand for what they believed was right. “The shoot­ing promp­ted Pres­id­ent Obama to wake a wan­ing lib­er­al day­dream — com­pre­hens­ive gun re­form — and make it his ad­min­is­tra­tion’s top do­mest­ic pri­or­ity. And then not much happened.”() Although it was better said than done, the parents of the victims were definitely not giving up their debate on the new gun laws. "Relatives of nine victims have come together with a nonprofit group called Sandy Hook Promise to sign a letter sent Thursday to senators. It asks them to vote to expand background checks for gun purchases, strengthen laws against gun trafficking and ban ammunition magazines with more than 10 rounds" () These policies would help increase the safety for not only the community, but also help to prevent a gun from falling into the hands of someone who will want to cause harm. "Nicole Hockley wonders if her 6-year-old son, Dylan, might be alive if shooter Adam Lanza hadn't been able to carry 10 magazines that held 30 rounds each …show more content…

She says the fight for new laws, which they've also taken to several states, has left them emotionally exhausted, but they won't give up "no matter how long it takes.”() The parents of these children are fighting for the safety of those who may be involved in a horrible tragedy like this in the future. No parent should have to live with only memories of their loving

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