Argumentative Essay On Noetic Science

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“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth.” Leading with this, I believe wholeheartedly that not only did [insert religious deity here] (I have no wish to tread on religious toes) create the universe, but that it was created using the scientific art called Noetic Science. Throughout the essay, the author shall prove beyond the merest shadow of a doubt that not only is Noetic Science entirely plausible, it is recorded throughout history, and has been used throughout our short life on earth by multitudes of people, always under different names. “Noetic sciences are explorations into the nature and potentials of consciousness using multiple ways of knowing—including intuition, feeling, reason, and the senses. Noetic sciences …show more content…

Like the Zen master who goes up to the hot-dog vendor and says, ‘Make me one with everything,’ mystics throughout the ages have reported experiences of feeling merged with God or with all of existence (at some level feeling no separation between them and all that is). The psychologist Carl Jung postulated the existence of a ‘collective unconscious,’ a concept that attempted to explain these and other subjective experiences, such as presentiment and synchronicity (for example, suddenly thinking of a long-lost friend and then the phone rings, with the friend on the other end of the line) or the existence of remarkably similar symbolism in ancient, isolated, or primitive cultures that had no prior contact with one another or the rest of the world.” It is very well known, talked through many religions, In many religions there is a group of people unified under the religion that exemplify this, in Christianity, Jesus, and eventually some of his apostles showed these self-proclaimed “miracles”. Today, thermal goggles can literally see a transfer of energy from faith healers into their patients, and the “clean healthy energy” that they infuse their patients with gives a reason why they may be healed temporarily, it also …show more content…

But first, a brief discussion for those not so nearly well versed in the occult. A coven is a group of at least four witches that believe that they can use magic to alter the physical world. This principle of strength in numbers is used numerous other times in our world, and it is a guiding principle for parliament, and Congress. One of these ‘ancient mysteries’, (not the occult version) is the ever-burning lamps found throughout the world in the Middle Ages, all fabricated by the same man, a Hebrew man, an ancient scientist. Another, arguably the most confounding, is a pyramid, formed hundreds of years before the first Egyptian pyramid, of Grecian make. No one knows what it was used for, or who designed it, but it was created using huge stone blocks, like the pyramids and Stonehenge, that no ordinary person or peoples could have lifted. Stonehenge specifically, was so large, built with so many varying sizes and weights that it could not have been made by an ordinary person. Even today, we require hereby machinery to move objects of half one of those stone’s weight. Altogether, Noetic Science is proved in its uses, it has and can make the impossible

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