Argumentative Essay On Mudd's Assassination

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Lauryn Roe Argument Essay How would you feel if you were accused of a crime you did not commit? That is exactly what happened to Dr.Mudd. He was accused of helping in the plot to assassinate president Lincoln. He had not known that Booth had assassinated the president,Mudd had known Booth from before so he welcomed him into his home,and Booth had claimed he was there for medical reasons. Mudd was not guilty in the assassination of Lincoln. Mudd did not know Booth had killed Lincoln. The text states,”Unknown to Mudd,he had just extended his hospitality to Lincoln’s assassin and his accomplice.” The text also says, “Their secret still safe from Mudd and his family.” Mudd would not have housed then if he had known Booth had killed the president. This shows Mudd was not guilty. …show more content…

So he welcomed him to his home. The text states, “ at church Booth was introduced to Mudd.” The text also says,” In Maryland a month later, Booth again encountered Mudd at church.” Mudd had recognized Booth so he knew who he was. This proves Mudd was not guilty. Booth had claimed he was at Dr.Mudd’s to get help for his leg. Not that he was trying to hide. The text states,”Booth could get medical care for his injured leg, which he was sure was broken.” The text also states, “Mudd lit an oil lamp and dialed up the flame to permit a proper examination of his new patient.” Dr. Mudd had only wanted to assist Booth with his hurt leg. This proves Mudd was innocent. Dr.Mudd was guilty is the plot to kill Lincoln. Some people disagree that Dr.Mudd was guilty in plot to kill Lincoln.The text states, “ He had given aid and comfort to Abraham Lincoln’s killers.” Even though this is true, Mudd had aided and housed them because he had known Booth.The text says, “ Mudd had been helpful to Booth in Maryland, but the actor also needed the doctor’s help-an introduction-in Washington.” This proves that Mudd was not

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