In the world of midwifery, women in particular are the main focus of primary care. In addition, it is about being with the women, in partnership with the women and delivering women centered care. In the perspective of midwives, it is important that women view midwives as the supporters of their journey rather than midwives doing their jobs. (Carolan & Hodnett, 2007). Midwives are the primary providers of maternity care. They have the role and responsibility to deliver continual care throughout a women's naivety and ensures that the women receive optimal care and support. Over the time of pregnancy and beyond, women and midwives have the time to create trust and develop a sense of bonding with one another. Antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum
care are the stages of care that midwives provide. These stages are mandatory in accordance with the scope of practice and it is important to ensure the women are safe and well educated. As a result, the provider and receiver of care are able to establish a bond and satisfaction. (Pairman, Pincombe, Thorogood, & Tracey, 2015) Each woman are seen as individuals with different preferences, values and beliefs. During their gestation, women can discuss their fears and wishes that evolve around mother hood. They can also decide whom they wish to be a part of their journey. Hence the ideas expressed by the women are taken into consideration to implement an intervention that meets the needs of the women. (Carolan & Hodnett, 2007). Midwives has the duty to enhance women empowerment and guidance by education and providing adequate information that interrelates with their wellbeing. Consequently, the knowledge developed during the process of pregnancy allows the women to make decisions that are beneficial to herself and the baby. Midwives are independent care givers within the maternity sector. They have the knowledge and ability to independently make the decisions in relation to the care that is implemented to their women. In accordance to their professional competency, they must be able to cooperate with other health professions and learn from their behaviors and actions. The use of reflections is used to reflect upon a midwife’s highlights and limitations of the delivered care. It allows midwives to improve on their selves, how they treat their women patients and their community. Thus this distinguishes midwives as a profession. (Pairman, Pincombe, Thorogood, & Tracey, 2015).
In the poem titled "The Midwife Addresses the Newly Delivered Woman" the author portrays the strengths and fortune of an Aztec woman she must have while giving birth to a child. The author mentions how the courageous and brave woman went through hard exhausting physical labor. The poem informs the mother that possible unpleasant situations may still occur. The new mother is aware and understanding that she has successfully won mastery. Also it is pointed out when women were giving birth it was like a battle, just as painful as the ones men fought in wars.
Pairman,S., Tracy, S., Thorogood, C., & Pincombe, J. (2013). Theoretical frameworks for midwifery practice. Midwifery: Preparation for practice.(2nd ed, pp. 313-336). Chatswood, N.S.W. : Elsevier Australia
Firstly, my name is Amal Abdi, I am seventeen years old and currently attend Bsix College where I am a full time student; working hard to gain my level three diploma in health and social care. This essay is going to identify my career aspirations and the skills required to fulfil my dream of becoming a midwife it will also highlight my values,practice and also my beliefs .
The Grand Midwives, a term we now wish to honor them with, are still among us. Some are with us in spirit, and a few are still with us today. Two midwives who told their stories before passing on were, Onnie Lee Logan in her book, Motherwit, An Alabama Midwife 's Story, and Why Not Me ? The story of Gladys Milton, Midwife by Wendy Bovard and Gladys Milton. One midwife of a few still living is Margaret Charles Smith from Alabama. You can read her story in her book titled Listen To Me Good: The Story of an Alabama Midwife. These three midwives have shared their story with us so that we can understand our history in Midwifery. Midwives can be found throughout the United States and across the sea. In many states Midwifery is still unlawful. Some states have managed to pass laws that have made midwifery a free state to practice in. Those who practice laid midwifery in restricted states do so because they believe that families ought to have the right to birth where they want and to be attended by whom they choose. They believe in freedom and exercise this belief as Harriet Tubman once did. Many midwives today believe they were called to serve the pregnant mother as the midwives of yesterday. They serve with pride and dignity, something that no man will ever take away. As long as there are mothers upon the stool, there will always be
Critically discuss the challenges that may be encountered by the new graduate nurse/ midwife in one of the following areas within this domain:
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). (2015). [online]. [Accessed 5 April 2017]. Available at: (-- removed HTML --) .
Historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich in his A Midwife’s Tale showed how he approached the pieces of Martha Ballard’s medical diary. He employed other additional sources to suggest the context of Martha’s diary, explain Martha’s motivation for keeping the diary, interpret her diction style in the diary, and evaluate her sensibility as a midwife.
"The Role of a Nurse / Midwife." Irish Nursing Board, An Bord Altranais. N.p., n.d.
Clinical nurse midwives (CNMs) are registered nurses, specialized in midwifery and nursing. They practice according to the standards of the American College of Nurse-Midwives ( ACNM). To keep their designation of CNM, they must have their certification and complete the continuing education requirement every five years. There are three major regulations that affect the role and scope of the nurse midwives in many states. They are, the need of a physician to supervise or a written collaborative agreement with a physician, a physician’s supervision in prescribing medicines or the level of prescriptive authority and the regulation controlling the midwives and out-of-hospital birth (OHB) (Walker, Lannen & Rossie, 2014).
What would you have done if an important woman in your life couldn't have her voice be heard? Would you help fight for her rights? Would you be okay that her voice wasn't heard, and continued on with your life? Would you be against her having any rights that you would try to maintain the imbalance in society instead? Women in the 1840s had no rights. They could not vote, own property, receive an education or participate in any professions such as a doctor, lawyer, or politician. It was time that they finally took a stand when in 1848 Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the first national women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. It would take about 72 years for the United States to
Bowman, M., & Frank, E. (2002). Historical Context. In Women in Medicine: Career and Life Management (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.
One of the fundamental principles of midwifery is the relationship that is developed and nurtured between a midwife and the woman she is caring for (Guilliland & Pairman, 2010; Kirkman, 2010; Pairman, 2006 cited in Leap & Pairman, 2010). This relationship is one of partnership. By ‘being with’ and supporting each woman’s independence in autonomy throughout her pregnancy and birth the potential is created for the woman to be empowered and enriched so that she feels confident and self-assured in her abilities as a woman and as a mother (Guilliland & Pairman, 1995; McCourt & Stevens, 2005; Siddiqui 1991; Katz Rothman, 1991 cited in Leap & Pairman, 2010). To do this midwives are required to view the relationship as one based on mutual learning and respect rather than considering themselves as the ‘expert’ (Guilliland & Pairman, 1995; Pairman, 1998 cited in Leap & Pairman, 2010). Relating to this idea of mutual learning and respect in partnership, Guilliland and Pairman (1995 cited in Leap & Pairman, 2010) make an interesting point, stating that if the goal of midwifery is to promote autonomy for women than the concept of advocacy in maternity care should be questioned. Also, Leap and Pairman (2010) argue that for a woman to feel empowered she should be advocating for herself. In most situations, the majority of women are capable of doing this, particularly in relationships where the midwife has encouraged the woman to access information and communicate her desires (Leap & Pairman, 2010). Developing a partnership relationship in which the midwife values the woman’s expertise is a skill that requires the midwife to be secure and confident in herself as both a woman and a midwife (Kirkham, 2000 cited in Leap & Pairman, 2010) as she m...
Everybody is born and made differently, but one thing is similar, our gender. We are born either male or female, and in society everybody judges us for our gender. This is called gender roles; societies expecting you to act like a male or female (Rathus, 2010). Some people say, “act like a lady,” or “be a man,” these are examples of how gender roles work in our everyday lives. In society when we think stereotypes, what do we think? Many think of jocks, nerds, or popular kids; gender stereotyping is very similar. Gender stereotypes are thoughts of what the gender is supposed to behave like (Rathus, 2010). One example of a gender stereotype for a man would be a worker for the family, and a women stereotype would be a stay at home mom. Though in todays age we don’t see this as much, but it is still around us. In different situations both gender roles and stereotypes are said and done on a daily basis and we can’t avoid them because everyone is different.
Women have fought through torture, blood, sweat, and tears to help women stand strong in our
Abortion is one of those words that the true meaning depends on the person point of view. For me abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy. This issue is very controversial, many people have different opinions or beliefs for or against it. In my particular case I’ve always been against it. Life begins at conception, unborn babies are human beings with the right to live just like us. An unborn baby is capable of feeling pain, just imagine the amount of pain they feel during abortion. Abortion is murder, why are women killing an innocent human being that is unable to make decisions for themselves. There are many ways to prevent abortion. Besides, this procedure is extremely dangerous, and contains many risks for the mother.