Argumentative Essay On Lgbtq Women

1435 Words3 Pages

Chancie Saintamour
Professor: Julio ceasar Alonso
April, 27, 2018
LGBTQ: A Modern Portrayal
When it comes understanding the LGBTQ people, it is important to know what LGBTQ means. The acronym LGBTQ stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). A lesbian is a woman who is primarily attracted to other women. The term "gay" is used to denote a person who is attracted primarily to members of the same sex. Bisexual is a person who is attracted to both people of their own gender and other genders. Transgender, or trans, is a person whose gender identity consistently differs from what is culturally associated with his/her biological sex at birth (HRC Staff). Some choose to …show more content…

A 1977 Law in Florida, which used to be in existence for 30 years, made it legally impossible for any members of the LGBTQ community to adopt children (McGoldrick 634). There is a myth that, if being adopted by an LGBTQ couple, a child will grow up to be gay or lesbian, or experience severe psychological problems (McGoldrick 636). Furthermore, multiple cases confirm same sex couples are denied adoption due to a lack of legal protection (McGoldrick 637). The ability of an individual to adopt children should not be dependent on their sexual orientations. The ability of a parent to love their children and provide for them should be the key criterion for parenthood. There are kids who need family, and there are homosexual couples who can offer them love, home, and support, but, because of a couple’s sexual orientation, these children will not be able to become a part of loving families (Middleearthnj). The provision of rights for homosexuals to adopt children will lead to a large drop in the number of orphans. LGBTQ people should have the rights to adopt because they can provide for, take care of, and love the child as much as a heterosexual couple

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