Argumentative Essay On Interracial Relationships

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Blurring Lines… Or Fences

What I Know / What I Wanted to Find Out There comes a time in every child’s life when they must stand up for what they believe in, even if it is against one or both of their parents’ beliefs. Every person must decide for themselves what is right or wrong, and because every opinion reflects individuality, arguments are guaranteed to occur. I believe that there is no reason for interracial couples to fail or be considered erroneous relationships. However, one of my parents would disagree with me, due to their upbringing. To clarify, my parent has absolutely nothing against anyone based on ethnicity, only feels that like should marry like. On the other hand, my other parent has no qualms whatsoever with interracial marriage. Consequently, as I have matured, this disagreement in principles has lead to some confusion. In order to fully realize my opinion on the matter, I decided to pursue research on the topic. I am already aware of basic information, such as interracial marriages occur between people of different ethnicities, such as an African American man marrying a white woman, or an Asian woman marrying an American Indian man. I also know that, as with all relationships, interracial couples face challenges, …show more content…

Most of the sources I found on this subject stated interracial couples are more likely to divorce than same-race couples. Many of the numbers varied concerning the extent of the gap, but all came to the same result (Editorial Staff; Gedeon; Khan). In any marriage, dedication and real love will be the binding forces, regardless of external influence, so with the national overall divorce rate equivalent to half of all marriages being terminated implies much about people’s persistence. Due to the higher rates of divorce in interracial couples, perhaps pressure is too high, or there are less-than-substantial reasons for entering the relationship to begin

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