Argumentative Essay On Human Trafficking

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People are still being taken from their home,they still undergo brutal things against their will,but there is something being done about it. We may have won the war against slavery,but the war against human trafficking is still in full thrust.
Human Trafficking is fastest growing crime worldwide next to drug dealing and illegal weapons(5:1).The question is how are the traffickers getting people to sell or buy? Sometimes the traffickers lie to children parents telling them” that they would get a better future better school,housing,Environment” the parents believe them thinking they're doing the best for their children, but the children are bought and sold to un-know people companies industries .In some part of asia and africa children can be sold for as much as 20 dollars.Some adults are also lied to. Especially im1migrants are told that they(trafficker people) can provide housing, food, shelter They make there hope go through the roof to be later be brought down.They're sold or bought for horrible jobs. Its so horrible yet human trafficking is a multi-billion industry worldwide.Human trafficking makes people wonder if there is still hope for humanity.
In 2014 it was estimated of about 21 million cases of human trafficking worldwide.Of which 5.5 million were minors(17 years or younger) this is …show more content…

There 3 steps to sex trafficking: the act, the mean, and the purpose.The mean is where the high power threatens and takes the control of the victims.They use any means of discipline posible or any given payment to take mental and physical control of their victims. The purpose is where the high power is to prostitute, sexually exploit, and force/services unto their victims. Survivors of sex trafficking are physically and mentally degraded.Many survivors also suffer from PTSD,and many have a chance of carrying a sexually transmitted

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