Argumentative Essay On Hiv/Aids

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HIV/AIDS: The Children’s Struggle Behind it All
Imagine being an eleven year old kid in South Africa. There’s no time for school, to have fun, or enjoy life. There’s barely enough food to share among the family. All there’s time for is to get up at dawn to work in the fields, tame the animals, and water the crops. Sadly, this is reality of a child’s life in South Africa who has one parent or both infected with a life capturing disease known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). In worse scenarios many children have already had both their parents taken by this virus. HIV is a disease that affects numerous people worldwide. Of the HIV/AIDS infected population, more than three-fourths lives in Sub-Saharan Africa with South Africa having the highest diagnosed population. The children of these sick relatives will be eternally affected by this epidemic since many of the kids will fail to complete their education. HIV/AIDS is thought to affect many adults, but most do not truly recognize the hardships and burdens it places upon the children of the diagnosed.
HIV-1 is the most prominent found type of HIV originating from chimpanzees in Central Africa. Research shows the earliest detection of HIV came from the lymph nodes of a man from the Belgian Congo. This proposed the suggestion that the disease might’ve transverse from the chimpanzees over to humans as early as 1959. This is all said to have begun when hunters began slaughtering innocent chimps as food nourishment. However, it wasn’t until 1982 when the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) distributed information that five citizens had died from an unusual and strange form of pneumonia which was believed to become known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Then...

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... the safety and effects of any HIV/AIDS drug or vaccine. The drugs must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which could take years. A vaccine that has been created by the FDA that is said to be able to treat HIV is known as Varivax. Varivax is a vaccine for chicken pox administered to people as young as one year of age (AIDS info Drug Database).
Although HIV/AIDS isn’t curable yet, there are many solutions that are being discovered. The solutions need to be enacted because children serve to have their childhood. They deserve to be able to enjoy it and not having to take on adult responsibilities at such a young age. More awareness needs to be brought forth about the effects of this disease. Yes, people have lost their lives because of disease; however children lose their childhood and potentially some of the happiest memories they’ll ever create.

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