Exemplification Essay: The Image Of God

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One thing about God that we all recognize and reverence about Him is the statement that God is indeed Holy. Now, it is a known fact that humans are far this when it comes to similarities with God is Holy. We know that man is sinful, and his heart is deceitful and desperately wicked according to Jeremiah, however, God has given man some type of an ethical compass. This integrity that God has gifted to man allows each of us an inward wisdom of the difference between wrong and right. Now, because we are not Holy as our God, the conscience we are provided can be sedated or scorched by sin, nevertheless, it remains hardwired in human being. If you ever want to make an evolutionist run for their life or you’d want to make an atheist coward away …show more content…

One of those aspects would be the actual duties the Lord has left us on this earth; so let’s discuss this office we hold on this planet. The office of image of God is rooted in the authority God delegated to mankind. God appointed human beings to rule over his creation on his behalf and this evidence is clear in Genesis Chapter 1 verses 27 through 28. It is there that we find that, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground”. So here right after we are introduced to as images of God, we are informed to govern creation; so in this we hold the office of delegated ruler so to …show more content…

We model God’s supremacy and authority however our influence and authority is miniscule in contrast to the great creator; nevertheless these traits still point to Him. Being that we are to oversee over creation, this fact gives us a huge awareness to exactly how imperative God intended us to be as we pace along earth. Yes true, we aren’t anything but “filthy rags” in the sight our Lord according to Isaiah, however, we filthy rags have been entrusted to administrate one of God’s highest creations. God equipped the human race with power over all the creatures and earth itself…just that simple. We must keep in mind, conversely, that the earth still belongs to God; because He is the definitive ruler and has authority of all things. He just gave man his own petite corner of creation to watch

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