Argumentative Essay On Forest Bathing

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Shinrin-yoku, most commonly known as “forest bathing” or “taking on the forest atmosphere” is referred to the modern way of self healing. As the article “‘Forest Bathing’: How Microdosing on Nature Can Help With Stress” states, forest bathing was incorporated into the national health program in Japan in 1982. The idea is to simply connect to a natural area by taking in the forest through the human senses. Through the years, scientists have discovered that forest bathing does indeed bring benefits to human health. Humans have known this instinctively, which is why researchers have spent millions of dollars testing its efficiency and the process behind the healing effects. It is public knowledge that the entire world is currently experiencing a lifestyle of technology, which is increasing by the second. It is the way society communicates, learns, and does business, but its poor implementation has caused pollution in the environment, and health threats such as Smartphone stress, wrist pain, radiation, accidents, and many others. The article “‘Forest Bathing’: How Microdosing on Nature Can Help With Stress” by Rahawa Haile, and “Greenery (or Even Photos of Trees) Can Make Us …show more content…

People changing a lifestyle of technology to a lifestyle where there is an inclusion in nature, demonstrates a great effect on one’s health. As Gretchen Reynolds states, “It hasn’t even been made clear that nature itself is responsible for the greatest health benefits — they may come instead from physical activity, sunlight or, if you stroll with others, camaraderie” (1). Because of this, forest bathing gets people to prioritize their mental health, which can be implemented by only taking a walk around the park. Rahawa Haile also mentions that “individuals recovering from surgery with a view of a garden can heal faster than those with a view of a brick wall, can non-immersive exposure to nature benefit people in other ways”

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