Argumentative Essay On Drunk Driving

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Drunk Driving: A Blatant Mistake
Drinking and driving has become an epidemic leading to multiple fatalities in the United States. Drivers under the influence are much more likely to suffer from a car crash. Drinking and driving is a significant problem in our country and is often times overlooked. Driving under the influence is also against the law and is not treated lightly if caught. Many people are arrested every year for a DUI charge. Most of the drivers who are involved in crashes have recently been granted permission to legally drink. Crashes resulted from drinking cost our country a lot of money in repairs every year. Many organizations have been formed to spread awareness of the seriousness of the issue. Alcohol is a depressant with mind-altering effects on the brain and it is not suitable for driving conditions. …show more content…

The reaction time of the brain is majorly affected, vision is impaired, and there is a much better chance of getting into an accident. Most of the driving is done at night in the dark, and alcohol just makes it even harder to see or react. Alcohol alters one's perception distance or ability to identify how far away something is. That could be fatal on the road because people often find themselves stopping too late or pulling out too soon resulting in an accident. According to Gale Student Resources in Context, ¨The level of impairment of a person who has consumed alcohol is measured by blood alcohol content, or BAC. Individuals whose BAC is higher than the legal level in their state are breaking the law if they drive.¨ This conveys that there is a legal limit for driving under the consumption of alcohol and a certain amount is illegal in all 50 states. If caught and charged with a DUI a licence could be taken and time spent in

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