Argumentative Essay On Concussions

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According to Sport Concussions Statistics, “4 to 5 million concussions occur annually, with rising numbers among middle school athletes.” Concussions have always been a major issue in sports across the nation, but along with this obesity has spread as well. Though obesity is such a problem today, concussions are much more dangerous and continually are a growing concern. Although inactivity causing obesity is a major problems in today’s society, concussions pose more of a risk because they affect education and future jobs of player, and concussions cause many health problems. One reason why the risks of obesity is greater than that of a concussion is because it affects education and future jobs of players. As stated in Childhood Concussions …show more content…

Also stated in, Childhood Concussions Linked to Lifelong Health and Social Problems, “To summarise, we found that even a single mild traumatic brain injury will predict poor adult functioning,”said Amir Sariaslan, first author of the research from the University of Oxford” (Davis). This quotation shows that a single head injury could cause a person to act differently. Along with this, adults with a concussion would have a very hard time at work dealing with this diagnosis. Overall, concussions affect the brain and how we act no matter what. In “Concussion Hazards must be Addressed” by Gregg Easterbrook states the problems with returning to a sport too early. “If a concussed player is returned to games or practice too soon, concussion harm can become much more severe -- and for long-term health, neurological damage is a greater concern than orthopedic damage.” This quote states that orthopedic damage is not as much of a concern as neurological damage. This means that an injury to the brain is much more dangerous than an injury to the musculoskeletal system. This is significant because if someone has a concussion but is unaware, it could cause this person to have a greater impact of the injury. Concussions are already dangerous to begin with, but if we recognize the symptoms soon enough, we may be able to stop them from causing to much of damage. Although concussion do not seem to have a great impact on us. They do indeed affect us in many different ways and effect our health much more than

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