Argumentative Essay: Hog Farms

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As I sit in the car, listening to my music with my eyes focused on my phone, trying to ignore my dad singing that’s completely out of key, I know the minute we get close to a farm. It's not the change of scenery or my dad saying, “Look cows!”; it's the smell. Everyone knows it too well, the stink of manure. Weather its cow patties, animal droppings, dung, guano, or stool, every animal goes number two; and some more than others. According to Daniel Oldham, a researcher at North Carolina A&T State University, hog farms produce forty three billion gallons of manure yearly. That’s a lot of poop! This manure has to go somewhere, so farmers create lagoons to hold manure until they are ready to spread it onto the fields as fertilizer. Most people …show more content…

Sadly, most of our wildlife is dying because of an influx of pollution in our waterways. The Chicago Tribune explained that from 2005 to 2014, one million fish died statewide due to pollution incidents. Four hundred and ninety two thousand of those fish deaths are due to hog farm incidents. Hog farmers have been trying for decades to find safe ways to remove waste from their farms. Many farmers have created lagoons to put this extra waste in. These lagoons are prone to overflow during a big rain, just like your toilets overflow when it continues to put more water into a full bowl. Pig waste contains more than one hundred microbial pathogens that can cause human illness such as salmonella and streptococci. Let’s not forget the amount of antibiotics and other medicines that leave the pig's body through excretion. These medicines wind up in our water sources and can injure wildlife that drink or live in the water. These diseases, medicines, and black slug that comes from the solid waste of feces make waterways completely unusable to wildlife and small agricultural

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