Argumentative Essay Creativity

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Argumentative Essay - Creativity According to “The Creativity Crisis”, Bronson and Merryman state, “A recent IBM poll of 1,500 CEOs identified creativity as the No. 1 ‘leadership competency’ of the future” (Prompt). Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman published an article on, titled “The Creativity Crisis”. The article reported results of a Torrance Test, which is a creativity test, that was administered to millions around the world in 50 different languages. The results display that the global creativity level has steadily decreased since 1990. The most drastic decline being in children from kindergarten to sixth grade. Bronson and Merryman speak about the national and international crisis that can be solved by creative thinking …show more content…

Creativity is simply the use of one’s imagination to spark new or improved ideas that can better or worsen events or items. Due to the lack of creativity in society, several believe that creativity classes should be implemented into schools, but opposing individuals feel that it is not needed. Therefore, a debate has been set on whether school should have a creativity class or not. Schools must introduce a creativity class to encourage student’s imagination and how to develop it throughout their life. Creativity should be taught as a class to encourage students to use their imagination. Students around the United States of America struggle to obtain original ideas, as well as be creative. Original ideas are what has created new products to enhance society for one generation to the next generation. Life changing products, such as the lightbulb, electricity, and Apple, are all original ideas that were created due to creativity. However, it seems that nowadays life changing products most certainly have …show more content…

Opposing individuals believe that a creativity class would be a waste of time and take away from the core subjects that truly matter in school. However, this statement is most certainly false because without creativity none of the core subjects can truly be applied to life. Creativity is what applies to real life time and time again. Without creativity there is no saying where our society would be at in this point in time. Creativity was what drove the Renaissance period. Without creativity and the Renaissance period, which was driven by creativity, we as humanity would not be very far from the Stone Age. Not to mention the uncountable number of great minded men and women that were able to benefit society in such a considerable manner due to their creativeness. One just must consider how much better creativity has made our lives as humans. Creativity most certainly has made life easier, enjoyable, luxurious, and probable to name a few. Creativity is what has caused humanity to develop into what we are today, and what we will be in the future. This is why the school board must consider creating a creativity

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