Are Gender Stereotypes Really Better Than Girls In Math?

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Gender stereotypes are a major issue that divide society, leading individuals to perform unwise actions just to be accepted. In general, the existence of gender stereotypes does humanity a great disservice, as it results in judgement towards those who even vaguely fits this mold. Mistreating those who fit into a stereotype is an unjustified act, causing decreased self-esteem, pressuring many to change their uniqueness in attempt to become the ideal expectation created by society. That said, such stereotypes are too deeply rooted in the mindsets of society that these generalizations are unlikely to dissipate anytime soon. For example, studies find girls before age six are more likely to believe they are as capable in math as boys. After this …show more content…

To justify this point, “Neuroscience research, including MRI studies of male and female brains, suggests that brain function—along with related hormonal differences—creates a tendency for males to have better spatial thinking skills, and females to be stronger in some realms of verbal expression” (Tachibana 1). Although males are born with higher spatial thinking skills, females are enrolled in higher courses to advance themselves in math while many males do not participate in these. Article “Are Boys Really Better Than Girls at Math?” remarked, “More than half of students enrolled in AP/honors and advanced mathematics courses are females. It is no surprise that many conclude that the gender gap in math is natural and inevitable” (Sorooshian 1). Comparing these sources, it’s obvious males are indeed born with remarkable spatial thinking that sharpens their math skills but do not take actions to enhance their skills. Where the viewpoint of “Are Boys Really Better Than Girls at Math?” expresses how females are capable of taking AP/honors classes and to increase their knowledge. Thus, while men do possess a modest advantage with better spatial thinking abilities, a greater amount of women are in higher level classes to boost their …show more content…

The stereotype can be observed in the following statistics: “In practical terms, females continue to hold only around 25% of science, technology, engineering, and math jobs in the United States” (Sorooshian 1). Since less women have jobs specifying in math, research has shown certain factors lead up as to why there are fewer women in these fields. It has been reported “that the gap is smaller in countries with greater gender equality, suggesting that gender differences in math achievement are largely due to cultural and environmental factors.” In fact, by the end of the school year, “...the more anxious teachers were about math, the more likely girls (but not boys) were to endorse the common stereotype that ‘boys are good at math’” (Sorooshian 1). Taken together, men retain about 75% of science, technology, engineering, and math job perhaps due to their fabled greater capacities with those topics. However, Sorooshian also claims there are many attributes affecting why women are scarce in these jobs, mostly due to the unwelcoming environment toward women attempting to pursue a “male” career. To conclude, in contempt of society’s viewpoint, women are as qualified as men for job positions involving

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