Applied Theory To Generalist Social Work Practice

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There are multiple things that are at risk if we don’t think about the theories that shape the way we view our clients. A great risk is passing along our biases onto them because we aren’t aware of our own bias’s. We also risk misguiding them when trying to address or solve a conflict in their life. We as professionals need to be aware of various theories whether we support them or not. As Langer (2014) writes, every part of the human existence is open for social work practice, therefore it can be a risk if we aren’t aware of the theories that resonate with ourselves that help us see our clients. Without the theories that shape us and our clients we would struggle to accept and investigate other theories. Theories change and evolve overtime, for example, Langler (2014) writes that the world was once thought to be flat. That was a theory that evolved overtime. Just as our own theories we develop on how to view our clients. If we do not accept change then we put our clients well being at risk because we are unable to provide clients with valuable information if we are unable to accept change. …show more content…

et al (2014). The Role of Theories in Social Work Practice. Applied theory to Generalist Social Work Practice. Somerset: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved from:

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