Appalachian Poverty

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Appalachian Poverty

Poverty is a global problem, and it has existed from the beginning

of civilization. Hunger, homelessness, and lack of health care are major

aspects of this world-wide

dilemma. Many countries are in complete poverty and a majority are

third-world countries. Within the United States of America, a land of

plenty, there are also pockets of extreme poverty. Governments around the

world are trying to solve this huge problem. Third world poverty and

Appalachian poverty, which occurred in the United States of America, have

developed for various reasons, and these situations have led to a great

deal of problems.

Throughout the world, poverty has plagued all countries. In smaller,

under-developed countries many people die from starvation. These countries

can not afford to support their citizens. Due to their financial problems,

the people lack proper shelter and clothing to keep themselves warm during

cold months. Since they lack adequate shelter and clothing, diseases occur

all over. These diseases develop a lot easier with poor nutrition. Once

again with more financial problems, health care is limited to none.

Lawrence Senesh, the contributor of "Poverty as a Social Problem" from

World Book, says poverty is usually caused by the difficulty in holding and

even getting a job(650). Ability, education, and skills help determine the

kind of job an individual gets (650).

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Everyone does not have the same physical abilities and mental abilities.

Poor health and abilities prevent some people from holding a job. Through

science people have been able to hold onto jobs a lot easier (650). It has

increased the need for professional workers and lowered the demand for the

unskilled (650). So, the people with higher education will get paid a

higher income, and people with lower education will get paid a lower

income. Changes in economic slumps can often bring poverty. When

businesses drop off and production declines people lose jobs without

warning (650). Poverty is also caused by social conditions, such as racial

discrimination (Blacks, Asians, and Mexicans) (650). Whites are usually

the ones who do the discriminating (650).

There are a variety of third-world countries in the world. A third

world country is a country that is economically depressed and continues to

grieve. Examples of third wor...

... middle of paper ...

...achia." U.S. News and World Report

6 May 1996 : 62-63.

Ralston, Jeannie. "Bark grinders and fly minders tell a tale of

Appalachia." Smithsonian

February 1996: 44-53.

Ralston, Jeannie. "In the Heart of Appalachia." National Geographic

February 1993: 112.

Senesh Lawerence. "Poverty as a Social Problem." World Book 1977: 650-650a.

Winerip, Michael. "What's a nice Jewish lawyer like John Rosenberg doing in

Appalachia?" New York Times Magazine 29 June 1997 :25-27.


Appalachian Poverty

Thesis statement: Third world poverty and Appalachian poverty, which

occurred in the

United States of America, have come about for

various reasons, and

these situations have led to a great deal of


I. World-Wide poverty

A. Third world poverty

1. Lack of Social Security

2. Lack of nutrition

3. Lack of financial stability

B. First world poverty

1. New York

2. West Virginia

II. United States of America poverty

A. Cause of poverty

1. Unemployment

2. Racial dicrimination

B. Effects of poverty

1. National shame


2. More poverty

C. Resolution to poverty

1. Improve education

2. Improve technology

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