Ap Euro Dbq Imperialism

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Though it may seem contradictory, the past is truly the future; and 19th century imperialism drastically changed the course of history. Imperialism caused European empires to scramble in order to conquer new lands and territories, and essentially to capitalize. Although imperialism had a positive impact on the imperialist such as Britain or France, it held the complete opposite for the imperialized such as Africa, and Asia. In fact, Africa faced many consequences as a result of imperialism such as a loss of culture, language, land, natural resources, and most importantly freedom. On the other hand, European nations benefited from imperialism, as they were able to build colonies, acquire trade routes, natural resources, land, etc. As a result …show more content…

As Africa was quickly overtaken, many nations were encouraged to participate to avoid falling behind in the rush for colonization. Additionally there were benefits in being first in the race for colonization, such as larger colonized areas, significantly stronger leadership over the nation, and a larger portion of natural resources. As a result of the escalating competition between the European nations, the Berlin Conference in 1885 was held to discuss the partition of Africa, and the regulations such as navigation of the Congo, slave trade, and occupation of the coast of Africa (Doc 5). Even in European entertainment, artists took advantage of European expansion in order to build a larger audience. Most times the source of the entertainment was located in a magazine, as document 4 gives an example of. In document 4, a cartoon published in the magazine Puck, showed a sleeping giant representing Africa having his continent taken by foreign powers. Flags of countries such as Spain, England, Portugal, France, Belgium, Turkey, and Italy are shown hastefully partitioning Africa (Doc …show more content…

For example, the prime minister of France Jules Ferry gave a speech proclaiming the many benefits of European colonization and racial superiority. Ferry even raised controversial ideas like higher races having rights over the lower races as well as the duty Europeans have to civilize inferior races (Doc 2). Additionally, the prime minister of France was not the only influential person to have views on race superiority, but British politician and businessman Cecil Rhodes shared the same perspective. Rhodes delved into these ideas in his essay titled “Confession of Faith”, and an excerpt of this essay displays his belief that Englishman are superior in society, and English colonization is beneficial for society (Doc 1). Taking into consideration that many European nations shared the same opinion on racial superiority, they used racism as an excuse for colonization, especially in Africa. As a whole, the three most significant causes of Africa's partitioning were the need for natural resources, the escalating competition between European powers, and

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