Anzia Yezierska Thesis

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Anzia Yezierska was a Jewish-American author born in the late 1800’s to Bernard and Pearl Yezeirska in Poland. To be specific, Anzia was born 1885 in Maly Plock, Poland. Around the time that Anzia was five years old her family had moved to the lower east side of Manhattan to begin life anew and pursue the American dream. Growing up, Yezierska’s parents had encouraged the children to obtain a higher education and continue learning. During her lifetime Anzia had married only twice; one of the mentioned marriages lasted only six months and the other was to the father of her only child, Arnold Levitas. Yezierska devoted herself to being a fulltime parent for a considerable amount of time during her lifetime, but soon found the responsibilities of motherhood too much to bear. After about four years of taking care of her daughter she gave custodial rights over to Levitas. Yezierska’s sister had then pushed her to continue with her interest in writing. Thanks to this metaphorical nudge Yezierska fell in love with writing and decided that she wanted to devote the rest of her life to mastering it. She wrote many different novels and short stories throughout her life, most of which focused on the challenges that Jewish-American immigrants, particularly women, endured in America during the …show more content…

One reason to study this author, or any author for that matter, is to study many different types of literary genres and styles. In doing so, this allows for readers to make connections between the author and their work that may have been hard to detect otherwise. When someone has the opportunity to read and write about authors before their time, it allows for one to reflect not only on how this novel or story is relevant to the author, but how it may be relevant to the reader as well. In doing so, readers learn to think more “critical” when reading new information or making connections between different

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