Anya's Ghost Summary

647 Words2 Pages

Jacqueline Molina
November 23, 2014
Senior English
‘Anya’s Ghost’ a new take on the phrase “Ghost Story” A recent graphic novel has brought a whole new element to the supernatural genre. Not only is there a ghost story, but there is a very important lesson to be learned by the main character and the reader. Centering around themes of self-image, peer pressure, and wanting to fit in in high school, mixed in with humor, spookiness, and enough charm from the rest of the cast, “Anya’s Ghost” offers a deeper look on what it means to know ourselves, reaching out to understand others, and letting go.
Coming in at less than 221 pages along with a color scheme consisting of varying tones of grey, black, and white throughout, author and …show more content…

Another characterization that is important to note is her ethnicity. She is a Russian immigrant which is usually not seen in much American literature, nor are there many female protagonists of ethnic minorities. However, she doesn’t flaunt this as if it’s what makes her who she is. In fact, she tries her best to hide this part of her life and tries to assimilate as quickly as possible to her American life. She has ridden herself of her accent, is embarrassed about saying her last name to people and even shortens it, and goes to great lengths to not be seen as ‘foreign’ to the rest of her peers. While struggling with being accepted by the world around her to truly being herself, the rest of the kids seem to take no notice …show more content…

Emily’s appearance changes subtly character overview anya- minorty, russian protag, insensitive, self-conscious, follower in the beginning, has bad habits, doesn’t have much foresight, rude, tough, character development, relationships with others emily- mysterious, shy, innocent, meant to be pitied, deceiving, manipulative, crazy, volatile, creepy, lonely, very angry and has a lot of hatred inside her, revengeful, envious setting- highschool, the woods, home

overview of illustrtor

being russian herself, brosgol gives the story her own personal touch by making anya, russian. I thought it was fitting and very
I don’t think I can say that I’ve ever read a story, nonetheless a comic, that manuy people can relte to. Brosgol encaptures all the awkwardness of highschool, and shows how even the most “perfect” girl can have her

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