Anthem Essay

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The novella Anthem by Ayn Rand explains the world in which there is no such word as “I.” Nobody knew about themselves. People decided on what they did, what jobs they worked, and where they live. They never even knew how they looked. “We” was their main word. They used “The Great We” as there god to worship. They had their pledge to say every morning when they woke up. They did the same things every single day. Get up, go to work and come to back to their beds. That’s all they did every day. Prometheus comes to understand that there’s more out this big world. It isn’t just about “The Great We.” There is more to it. There’s the Unspeakable word, the life beyond the city, and more to him than he ever knew. In this world that they lived in there was one word that nobody could ever say. It was the Unspeakable word. The word that nobody wanted to hear nobody could speak of. They thought it was such a bad word. A word that nobody even thought existed. You were out of your mind to even think about saying. If anyone spoke it they were to go the Palace of Corrective Detention. They had a ti...

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