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The group, Team Cycle, the members of this group are Jayeda, Michelle, Jada and Jennifer. One part of their presentation, Team Cycle, memorized and acted a poem called “Anorexic” by Eavan Boland. In “Anorexic” the author discusses the influence her sexual identity has on her self-image. The poem Anorexic shows us one of the situations that women experience, and that is really threatening to the life of someone. Although, many people might think that the main point of this poem was suicide. But, those that might think the suicide is the central point of this poem are extremely wrong, there is more about this poem than most people can understand.
In Anorexic, the girl own body is personified, referred to as a “witch” the speaker is “burning”.
The speaker speaks of “vomiting her hungers”. The personification of the speaker's own body creates considerable distance between the speaker and her faults. This distance created room for more criticism and degradation. The poem starts with a tone of violence, portraying the intense internal struggle gone through by the speaker. The tone, however turns into one of vulnerability as the poem progresses, with the speaker turning in her sleep, her dreams “probe a claustrophobia, a sensuous enclosure.” In order to gain affection and approval, the female speaker changes herself, and makes herself forget the “fall into forked dark, into python needs”, she tries to forget that she is unhappy. Boland here expresses her own opinions on the vulnerability of the female identity. I truly enjoyed this presentation because from the beginning to the very end they kept the audience entertained. I fell in love with the poem because, women in the eyes of society, are assumed to have flawless, perfectly designed bodies with faces unblemished. Society value the character of a woman based on her demeanor and in the end shows how vulnerable women are to forces they cannot control. How low self-esteem forces women to feel worthless because she cannot demonstrate her sole purpose in life; which is beauty. This view was primarily constructed from society. This shows how judgmental humans can be.
The sociological essay “Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia” authored by Penelope A. McLorg and Diane E. Taub examines how predisposed conceptions lead to a perception of a person through a specific lens. These preconceived notions in turn lead to labeling by society. Once an individual is labeled, that characterization dictates his or her actions. The authors argue that since little of a person’s identity is self-made, the label becomes the most powerful part of them.
Described within the vignette is a nineteen year old teenager named Brandy. Similar to girls her age, Brandy has difficulties dealing with her body image and self-esteem. For instance, she experiences hopelessness, isolation, sadness, and anxiety that all contribute to Brandy’s acknowledgement of her physical appearance. She completely overestimates her body size to the point of taking dieting pills then defaulting to purging. During the typical day, the meals are scarce but healthy compared to a bad day full of unhealthy snacking. Lastly, her family predicament is not a supportive one at that. Her mother was obese so she constantly dieted while Brandy’s father illustrated signs of sexual interest although he never physically touched her.
“Eating disorders are ‘about’: yes, control, and history, philosophy, society, personal strangeness, family fuck-ups, autoerotics, myth, mirrors, love and death and S&M, magazines and religion, the individual’s blindfolded stumble-walk through an ever-stranger world.” (Hornbacher, 4)
“It is estimated that 8 million Americans have an eating disorder - seven million women, and one million men.” (“South Carolina Department of Mental Health”). Skinny by Ibi Kaslik is about two sisters, Holly and Giselle, whose lives and relationship are impacted by the others’ state of condition. Giselle is a medical student who wanted to see what would happen if she stopped eating, and because of this she developed anorexia. Holly is an eighth grader who was born deaf in her left ear. The story jumps back and forth, changing every chapter, from Giselle’s point of view to Holly’s. This helps show the reader how one sister affects the others life. Skinny by Ibi Kaslik shows how family problems can have a great effect on the lives of the people within the family.
From the time girls are little, they are taught to be pretty. In Fat is Not A Fairy Tale by Jane Yolen, she explains how she has come to understand that all of the glamorous princesses that little girls look up to are all unrealistically thin, with beauty being their most important asset. She tells her point in a sarcastic and bitter way, showing how this anorexic beauty is not something to look up to and want to become someday. She wants to let the reader know that this romanticizing of skinniness is not a reality.
Hornbacher, Marya. Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1998. Print.
In the year 2010, the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead was released. In the film, Australian native Joe Cross has realized that his health is worsening very fast. So Cross finally decides that he will turn his life around by taking an extreme diet that will deprive him of macronutrients for 60 days. Macronutrients are nutrients found in foods other than fruits and vegetables. Micronutrients are those nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Micronutrients provide minerals such as Vitamin A, Iodine, Iron, Folate, and Zinc. While the body does not need these in large amounts, they are essential to the body because they help develop disease prevention and promote well-being. Micronutrients are important to include
The author’s intended audience is most likely to people who are experiencing the disorder or are interested in knowing more about eating disorders. When Lia was admitted to New Seasons, her rehabilitation facility, she relates her experience to someone who has gone through the struggles in that kind of facility. Lia was expected to be “a good girl [by not poking holes] or write depressing poetry and [eat and eat]” (Anderson 18). Her struggles in the facility allowed the audience who experienced this disorder to relate their experiences. In addition, people who choose to starve...
A Deadly Disorder Kidney failure, heart problems, spleen dysfunction, bone and muscle loss, and finally death; these are only a couple of the deadly effects associated with anorexia and bulimia. As Mim Udovitch states, “About one in 200 American women suffers from anorexia; two or three in 100 suffer from bulimia.” (Udovitch 557) Through the combined works of Mim Udovitch and Lisa D. Galynker, the message was made clear and both sides of eating disorders were argued. In A Secret Society of the Starving, Udovitch keeps a tone of anti-pro-ana (against pro-anorexia) throughout the entire story. She repeatedly talks about pro-ana websites and how ridiculous and crazy they are.
Satire Local Anorexic Still Way Too Fat? Staten Island, New York- Despite years of intense dieting and vigorous exercise, local anorexic Lucy Fernandez is still excessively fat. Reported Monday to the Staten Island Advance, Fernandez, who stands five feet and weighs approximately ninety pounds, is still overweight and needs to lose a few pounds. “I cannot believe how gross I look,” said the obese Fernandez, examining herself in a full-length bathroom mirror.
First theme of the story is shame can be self generated. Elena who is a young Puerto Rican girl starts off the story with shaming comments about her body. She constantly tells herself that she is too skinny or too flat chested. The shame that she
Daisy constantly compared her appearance and weight to those of TV actresses, women in the media and models, and found herself to be repulsive. Daisy constantly tried to hide her anorexia from friends, family, nurses and doctors. She soon saw herself developing a very severe case of major depression disorder because of the negative feelings she felt about herself, her life, and her relationships. Daisy’s eating disorder was much more apparent to others, that it masked her major depressive disorder that she was also currently struggling with. Throughout this paper I will discuss the following topics:
There may be murmurs about that girl who only fixes herself a salad with only vinegar at dining services or suspicious glances at someone who spends 45 minutes on the treadmill and then switches to the stair stepper at the rec. On-campus eating disorders are talked about everywhere and yet are not really talked about at all. There is observation, concern, and gossip, but hushed conversation and larger scale efforts to help and change never seem to earn public attention.
Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to inform my audience about the eating disorder anorexia nervosa.
Out of all mental illnesses found throughout the world, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate. Anorexia nervosa is one of the more common eating disorders found in society, along with bulimia nervosa. Despite having many definitions, anorexia nervosa is simply defined as the refusal to maintain a normal body weight (Michel, 2003). Anorexia nervosa is derived from two Latin words meaning “nervous inability to eat” (Frey, 2002). Although anorexics, those suffering from anorexia, have this “nervous inability to eat,” it does not mean that they do not have an appetite—anorexics literally starve themselves. They feel that they cannot trust or believe their perceptions of hunger and satiation (Abraham, 2008). Anorexics lose at least 15 percent of normal weight for height (Michel, 2003). This amount of weight loss is significant enough to cause malnutrition with impairment of normal bodily functions and rational thinking (Lucas, 2004). Anorexics have an unrealistic view of their bodies—they believe that they are overweight, even if the mirror and friends or family say otherwise. They often weigh themselves because they possess an irrational fear of gaining weight or becoming obese (Abraham, 2008). Many anorexics derive their own self-esteem and self-worth from body weight, size, and shape (“Body Image and Disordered Eating,” 2000). Obsession with becoming increasingly thinner and limiting food intake compromises the health of individuals suffering from anorexia. No matter the amount of weight they lose or how much their health is in jeopardy, anorexics will never be satisfied with their body and will continue to lose more weight.