Anonymous People: Film Analysis

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Recently I was given the chance by Stony Brook University to view the film called the “Anonymous People”. I went to this event without any prior knowledge of the content being shown in the film. It is a film/documentary that is centered on alcoholics/substance abusers and the importance of giving them access to recovery programs. The effects of being an alcoholic or substance abuser are like any other chronic disease and not being able to get treatment is unjust. The beginning of the film showed a man talking about secrets, he stated, if secrets are brought to light they will die, but if hidden they will continue to grow. This is a hidden message exposing the importance of going to meetings such as the Alcoholics Anonymous. It is essential …show more content…

A lot of people were raised in a culture where alcohol is part of socializing and it is considered to be normal. These individuals would have trouble accepting that it is an issue and a risk to their mental and physical well-being. Many claim to be social drinkers; it is a way to interact in a social environment such as a dinner or party. In the concept of spirituality, AA meetings and such are proven to provide a positive relationship with self-esteem, self-efficacy, hope, optimism and the general well being. Being able to openly speak about a problem in which you face allows your body and mind to accept things for the way they are. It allows a movement to spark to make a difference in your life. As human beings, we tend to not like being alone but once you realize you’re not the only one you will be able to understand. In conclusion, when’s the best time to help an addict? Now. This film stresses the importance of being proactive, not reactive and also providing pre-care and aftercare. People in jail tend to believe that it’s a way of life, but it’s not you can get help. What our society needs are strong leaders who can carry out of tasks of raising awareness and fighting for rights. There should be collegiate recovery program, prevention at high school and college level. They must be given employment opportunities and adequate living arrangements. Lives saved voices are out there. History is on our side. “Silence equals

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